Right winger means “person who shoots CEOs”? Well tattoo a swastika on my forehead and call me traditional because I love right wing ideology now.
It’s not about fucking left and right – It’s a class war. Did you ever hear about the French, or maybe even American, Revolution? Dethrone the King, aka the ruling class.
In my heart He is a winner winner chicken dinner
My enemies wear suits. Not silly hats.
I got more in common with the most batshit crazy redhat than I do with any fucking ceo or billionaire.
Ofc capitalist media gonna smear this guy and libs gonna pile on with memes like this.
I couldn’t give less of a fuck what his political ideologies are.
It never even crossed my mind he was on the right nor that he would be on the left.
I will say, doing something for the greater good is a very leftist ideology, however doing something out of anger and vengeance would be more universal. Regardless of motivation, the thing he accomplished will (hopefully) be something that inspires change, specifically in regards to healthcare in the USA.
I’m not an American, and your healthcare, or lack thereof, isn’t really my problem. That being said, I’m more right leaning, and I believe in social programs (like healthcare for all). I have government healthcare where I am and as someone on the lower end of the “economic ladder” let me tell you, it’s pretty great. Sure, I might have to wait longer for some procedures, but if I’m upset about that, I can go to my GP and have my feelings checked… for free.
The only thought I had seeing that was “he was in the right”.
CEOs and healthcare officials will tighten security for a few months, judges will be hard on anyone who gives off even a whiff of copycat, and then some other outrage will come along and people will forget and nothing will change. Insurance practices will stay the same. At most, people will make this a second amendment issue, the government will pass some legislation about 3D printed guns, and our lives will all continue to get progressively worse.
Serious question… If you believe in social programs then, wherever you are, what makes you “right leaning”?
Actually, that’s a typo. I intended to put left leaning, I thought I put left leaning, and reading it back a moment before seeing your comment, I noticed the error.
Whoops. My bad.
Are you asking all of us? I’m personally a constitutionalist. That never used to be right-leaning, but it’s now forced in that camp. Im also a staunch supporter of biological women’s sports staying that way, and opening categories that incorporate trans men and trans women together in one. Much more interesting sporting that way anyway. Includes everyone, you’ll see more trans men in sports (very few if none as of now) and you get to keep biological women sports as fair as possible.
Evil, I know. 🙄
Thanks for answering… Personally my thought is that anyone should be allowed to compete in any sport they qualify for… Just add more league levels. Don’t have to name them in a hierarchical way. Sort of like heavy weight vs feather weight… The competition is still going to be good because you’ve divided athletes by ability level, not something as arbitrary as sex or gender assigned at birth. If a woman or trans person can somehow compete with men (assigned at birth) in the NFL, I wanna see that shit. Sure you’d probably just end up with a league full of women, less talented men, and trans people, but at least they’d all be competitive in that league. Shit, maybe if there were some trans women or less skilled men in the “women’s” leagues people might actually watch them. Idk… I’m definitely talking out of turn; personally I think organized sports are as bad for society as organized religion.
It’s gets super convoluted at that point. Men and women who have switched genders by way of hormones is an easy solution. You can have the same league levels as we do now, not have to make up a whole bunch of new ones, and you keep women’s sports for assigned at birth
To be clear, mens sports are usually open sports, they started being called men sports when women had to open up their own, but I think anyone can partake. They don’t, because they lose, and it makes it not fun. So open categories aren’t an answer. But a hormone competitions are a great one. :)
sports forced you?
cultural perspectives. anti-LGBTQ stuff.
Problem more of a traditionalist
This is not about class solidarity. If he’s right (as in correct) he’s right. To deny that because we don’t agree on eventing is stupid
Especially given that he wasn’t poor
Left Vs. Right is old and busted
Poor Vs. Rich is new hotness
An MIB reference?
I salute you friend.
Seriously. There have been profiles of his online interests. He clearly was not a political partisan. What he was more than anything was anti-establishment. He was a big fan of both AOC and Joe Rogan. However, the corporate media is doing what it always does - try to divide us along artificial partisan lines.
Like many, he was a right-winger until he became the victim of the right wing. Suddenly he became the most extreme example of the “woke” activists he used to attack.
Your commitment to long-term civilizational success, Elon, is not universally shared
It’s not even the majority position
What you call the “woke mind virus” cares about one thing only: equality
The levelers want to destroy everything because in the rubble we will all be equal
- Tweet reposted by Luigi, worshipping a capitalist 10x worse than the one he shot
Which is not exactly why we should remain in solidarity with those who started figuring something out, not alienate them based on past views.
Give him a bit of time, he already started looking through some of the BS.
The political spectrum is fake bullshit made to divide the working class. The only ideology of the oligarchs is the acquisition of wealth, and they will assume any political persona in the pusuit of it.
Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
- George Orwell, 1984
The practical ethos of every authoritarian in history (including the self-styled “champions of the proletariat”) is:
It’s not just that I have a lot; it’s that I must always have more than everyone else. Forever.
I’d argue that, among the working class, the right wing of the political spectrum represents either the expectation/ambition to gain much more than others, or distrust of the left, commonly driven by following capitalist BS or having certain reservations or misunderstandings.
That’s just economics though
The right still pushes for religious liberties and gender identity while the left looks to abolish those things
Left and right are primarily economic, and we can only look at one axis at a time.
Otherwise, what you would call, idk, a devout Christian commune where people share everything? Left, because they’re equals, or right, because religion?
You would call one opinion right and one left, you already know what a political compass looks like and they would fall into economically left, socially right quadrant until you find other beliefs
Love it or hate it, political ideologies exist, and they exist on some spectrum
Actions speak louder than words.
we’re all communists after all.
Dude disappeared for months and had expressed interest in dabbling with psychedelics. He could have easily met people and changed his political compass in that time. He could have completely changed his personality from doing psychedelics. It’s possible that he has a psychological disorder that nobody knew about and he stopped taking meds for. Could be a bad combination of bipolar disorder and psychedelics.
In other words, he could plead insanity?
Are psychadelics really THAT powerful?
Without a doubt, yes.
I mean you can’t force anyone to think what you want them to, as in it’s not some extremely suggestible state that makes people compliant and obedient.
But what it does is essentially make you more able to change your opinion. An openness of mind. And right wing rhetoric is very close minded. So making a right winger open minded usually results in them turning to the left.
Despite his strong connections to the right wing crowd, even Rogan is pretty leftist when it comes to the policies he actually supports, despite being a poorly educated steroid-abusing American meathead.
TBH I think it’s takes much stronger drugs to be compliant.
If you’re bipolar or predisposed to things, yes!
No, I think ppl who say that stuff are full pf shit.
I’ve tried shrooms, ket, and lsd with a bunch of ppl and I’ll let you know, most of those cunts just keep cunting.
It depends a ton on the person, and much more importantly how/if they integrate their experience into their day to day lives (see: great, you’ve experienced yourself as a node in a larger fabric of humanity. How are you going your act next week when the drugs have worn off and you’re back in the office? What’s your plan?)
I’d wager not a ton of people really do the work involved with that second part.
For some people they can change for the better and presumably cure depression for a few months, for others it can go really badly. If you have an underlying psychological disorder like bipolar, it’s recommended that you don’t do them.
Unfortunately people don’t often know about their own potential for negative outcomes when they experiment with a new drug. Plenty of people with undiagnosed mental health problems out there.
Kinda, yeah.
If ya’ll could see Hexbear, you would know they’re taking about how problematic his xitter post were.
Personally, idgaf what his alignment was, I know his action’s alignment was chaotic good.
He rolled 20 on ambush
Any proof that he is right winger, that’s not made by some fundamentalist?
Because last bullshit I read is that he was right wing because he liked technology…
Because last bullshit I read is that he was right wing because he liked technology…
Man, I miss technology being left-wing.
I wouldn’t say “right-winger” - he was apparently a “rationalist” aka gray tribe, a loose philosophy that places rational thinking above ideologies.
The idea of being a ‘rationalist’ or ‘realist’ is literally almost always just one finding excuses to not call themselves nihilists
Nihilist here. Nope.
They are very right wing lol
Don’t think so. “For the greater good” - heavily associated with left wing - is a rationalist take.
they are peter-thiel-style libertarians and “race realists”, among the most extreme of the far right you can get. that very term “grey tribe” comes from an essay by scott alexander who consistently goes to bat for racist and fascist causes. there’s nothing remotely left about them.
I read he complained about “woke” a lot.
Idk what’s more woke that offing a CEO.
Heart attacks have probably killed more CEOs than anything, but I wouldn’t call them woke.
Not offing CEO
What I read is his friends identified him as economically leftist, but took issue with identity politics
Which depending on context could be as simple as “I dont care ill mind my own business you mind yours.” which I suspect is what most folks opinions boil down to.
Identity politics will be the downfall of democracy if Democrats don’t stop that bullshit
I don’t believe that the democrats actually based their entire platform on identity politics. That’s more a right wing issue, in that they have an issue with the existence of certain groups of people.
I don’t remember seeing a trans person as a speaker at any of the rallies for the DNC, for instance.
Why do you blame Democrats for identity politics and not Republicans for passing laws based on identity politics?
Because that’s what Republican voters want and that’s enough for them. They vote on spite and hate and the GOP feeds them it
The problem with that is that oppression injustice, and inequity are often based on a person‘s identity
Still do it, just don’t base your entire platform on it. It’s not that hard to understand but most democrat politicians can’t
Agreed there, democrats continue to refuse to challenge their economic masters and try to use identity politics as a sop
I complain about Woke a lot and I’m a dyed in the wool leftist to be fair. There’s a broader spectrum of opinion out there.
*on american scale. Most american lefists wouldn’t look out of place in russian coalition of right forces.