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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I have like a huge pile of letters from some twat lawyers sending threatening letters about copyright.

    The sad thing is most people I asked say “I would pay”. This was like more than 10 years ago when I first got some of them.

    The Pirate Party in Finland tried informing people of them being just threats, but Finns are really complicit people and afraid of breaking any rules, so I’m sure these twat lawyers made thousand, tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands. With Finland’s tiny 5m population.


    Basically what happens is some company in Germany which owns the rights to some B-class show or just a porn film even, then they upload it to an open torrent site. Wait for people to download it (remember the didn’t give permission to download it), look at the IP’s, then send the respective country in EU a request for the ISP to get that IP owner’s information and then hire a local lawyer to send them a threatening letter; “you’ve illegally downloaded a porn movie, pay us 800€ or we’ll take you to court and you’ll have to pay tens of thousands.”

    And if that goes to someone married or someone who downloaded fetish porn or something, they’ll be even more likely to pay.

    I never replied or did jack shit. Nothing has happened.

  • I know it’s not the same, but if you don’t have the sensitivity, then obviously you don’t have to eat the same food.

    And yes, I agree, most gluten free replacements are kinda bad. Nowhere near as bad as they were 20 years ago, though. Took me months, but I actually did find a gluten free pasta that’s honestly edible and doesn’t ruin the dish with some weird texture or taste I don’t like.

    I only tell you this because I too used to think gluten-free is a fad and people are just “imagining” benefits from going gluten-free free.

    I’ve had a stomach pain my entire life. No doctor ever suggested going gluten free and I even had a biopsy taken at 18 to see whether it’s celiacs. Either it was a false negative or I have what is known as NCGS, Non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

    And it’s genuinely not a joke.


    Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) has been shown to occur in individuals without serological or biopsied evidence of celiac disease (CD), who manifest psychotic ormood disorders that resolve following elimination of gluten. In this case history, we discuss a similar manifestation in a 31-year-old woman without serological evidence of CD, whose psychiatric symptoms improve with gluten elimination.

    A 31-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of severe gluten sensitivity, Hashimoto’s disease, mosaic turner’s syndrome, and presumed schizo-affective disorder, bipolar type with multiple inpatient psychiatric involuntary admissions presented to the ED on petition for aggressive behavior by law enforcement. The patient had a week-long break-down at her parents’ home, where she also resides. She reportedly broke several objects and threatened to slit her mother’s throat. On the physical exam, she was malodorous, disheveled, and had long extremely matted hair. Psychiatric evaluation was notable for rambling speech, dysphoric mood, agitation, and irritability. Thought content was disorganized and consisted of grandiose and paranoid persecutory delusions. She was emergently given Haldol for worsening agitation, as she became physically threatening.

    And all that goes a way by not ingesting gluten. So you know, which would you rather, a crazy gf and donuts or a friendly gf with some gluten tree donuts which are like sort of okay?

    I’m not saying your gf has NCGS but just saying I understand the resentment (id sell my own mother for some proper gluteny carbonara) but going gluten and dairy free (casein, the milk protein, often also caused symptoms with NCGS patients, might want to maybe let your gf know if she’s improved with gluten free but still experiencing some GI symptoms) may have improved her well being so much that I think you should at least try to get over the resentment.

    You can always go eat out alone. But if she’s maintaining a strict diet, she prolly shouldn’t go to a single fast food burger place. Some of them offer gluten free buns but they don’t guarantee the meal to be glutenfree as its made in the same kitchen. Also, worth asking if they’re have a separate deep frier for gluten free things if getting fries.

    Sorry for the rant. I truly understand the resentment and the hankering for cheesy gluteny goodness, trust me. But I also know how massively the diet can improve life quality (Google “gluten belly” for instance for some insta girls showing the difference). And I know how frustrating it can feel when other people see it as something that’s not "really necessary", instead treating it somewhat like someone not liking pickles in their cheeseburger. (I’m sure you don’t treat her like that, I’m talking about people I know.)

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldGuilty as charged
    2 days ago

    Science isn’t something you can have, it’s a method of getting information.

    Oh alright mister pedantic. See sometimes sentences have things like implications in them. Saying someone “has” some arbitrary concept or system, like asking a ship"do you have navigation", doesn’t mean the person asking that thinks of navigation as a singular object.

    They have the science available to them. Ie they have the ability to look at endless amounts of it.

    “They have other methods”

    (How annoying would it be if here I started autistically screeching about how you don’t “have” methods, you use them)

    You completely misunderstood my comment, and are now pretending that one of the most common definitions of “knowledge” is different from what I said; having justified true belief. In something.

    Flat earthers have justified true information available to them, but they REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT.

    It’s caller amathia.

    Here, read this.


  • Well yeah but the top layer won’t, so if it’s wood (ie there’s no cover at all) then the top layer gets wet and wicks the moisture downwards to whatever degree the shape and arrangement of the wood dictates.

    But like I’m talking more about a stacked pile of firewood that has lots of naked grain and shaped tightly together. If you’ve thick piece of logs with the bark intact, and it’s not an especially rainy season, it’s fine.

    But yeah raised off the ground is necessary, but that’s can be done with a parallel layer at the bottom.

    I’m just saying if you have tightly paced firewood and it’s outside all year it’s worth considering a tarp on top of it but it’s more or less a play by the ear thing.

    Like stacking firewood on the side of a building for example, as there’s a least a bit of cover unless there’s a huge storm. Completely fine. (Try to make it the side which doesn’t face the wind usually but either way.)

    (Am no pro just lived in wood heated houses a lot and so saunas and fires in Finland)

  • “Non-sheltered”?

    I mean sure you van leave wood out to dry but if it rains a lot at least the top logs won’t prolly be dry. But like if you cover them from rain with a tarp it’s fine.

    Weed would go moldy though.

    Bathroom isn’t bad if he’s not taking long hot showers all the time. Good ventilation because it’s an area that’s often wet.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldThe information age
    8 days ago

    What about selective presentation of true facts?

    Well that’s just manipulating people to believe what you want. Ie “propaganda” more or less. Basically sophistry of a sort

    Having a distorted view of reality won’t change reality itself. It will only change your “reality” (insofar that a person’s reality is the things they think / experience / believe in), not the objective one.

  • I mean it isn’t correct information. I know that in everyday conversation “information” means “actually factual information” or “correct information” or whatever to that extent.

    But like technically false information is still a type of information. I’m just pedantic, don’t mind me. I’m not arguing anything and I hate the fuckers who believe in all that pseudosciencebullshit and think there are “alternate facts”. No. Objective reality doesn’t contradict itself lol. We may sometimes think it does, but it doesn’t.