Most of the energy does not come from fusion.
Most of the energy does not come from fusion.
Also, it’s an unreasonably fast database. That makes lots of trade-offs that normal ones aren’t willing to do.
The majority of the energy comes from nuclear fission
Yes, from an extremely inefficient fission reaction that can be improved by an order of magnitude by doing it slowly in a reactor.
who will keep the shipping lanes free of piracy?
You know the US isn’t patrolling the shipping lanes they don’t use right?
Also, no, they never managed to keep the shipping lanes free of piracy.
Of course. The name written on the map is what was keeping that huge inflation there on the US at 2%/y.
You either spend a truckload of resources during decades to make a bomb that explodes releasing the same energy humanity spends in two months, or you spend a truckload of resources doing the end task at a slower pace for decades.
The later is guaranteed to require a smaller truckload.
“Nuclear explosions are inherently unsafe”
Well, he warns about it.
Well, I’m sure controlled slow-paced mining is more energy efficient and will emit less carbon to create…
But I’m not stopping that guy. Go on. I’ll just watch from a safe distance.
Running fully into fan-fiction territory, isn’t you?
When you find one of those that is also democratic, yeah, we can discuss the details.
“People owning the means of production” versus “the State owning everything and dictating the life of everybody” is a semantics test now?
Where is that “it’s real communism if” flowchart with the “do the workers own the means of production” test? It’s needed here.
Well, if you find it, please tell :)
It’s a clear Microsoft paradox: is the support person right, or did Teams do something reasonable?
Yes, assholes are common in lots of places.
You know, last time I’ve reached the MS forum, there was a support person there answering “No, there’s no way to disable the Teams pop-up that appears over your shared screen when you mute the microphone. Lots of people ask the same question, and the developers have no plans of changing this”.
The answer was complete, helpful, and completely out of the normal for the forum. The only thing more out of character would be if Teams actually had an option to make it work as any sane person would expect, but then, this is not on the forum people.
Yes, Marx was the one that discovered that people sharing ideas is important for society!
Also, can I interest you on Andor? It’s a really good TV show.
When every market is a monopoly or a well consolidated oligopoly, you start to get that kind of issue.
Governments are the ones that actively created that one monopoly, if they just stopped maintaining it, it would simply disappear.
If only people would stop pretending those fantasy words had any resemblance to reality.
Honestly, society would be much better if marxists, anarchists, and etc just converted into delusional Star Wars fans or something like that.
You do one of those to maintain you society civilized, and the other to make your society civilized.
Wow, that shit is expensive!
Refuse the call for once. Keeping it ringing won’t help you in any way.
And add the number to some kind of “refuse” list for the time you don’t want to receive the calls.