You sound like either a Russian propaganda account or a clueless asshole.
You sound like either a Russian propaganda account or a clueless asshole.
The hero thing is not a mindset of most Americans. It seems like you’re considering everyone in the US is an ignorant conservative. While there is definitely a large group that is very ignorant and naive, there is a different large population that do not live in a fantasy world and understand what their country has done on a world stage.
You blazing with your kitty?
I think so! It’s burned unto my memory
Please tell me this is from Army of Darkness
I deleted my original post because I put up the cropped version, thanks for reposting the exact same thing…you could have at least used your own title
Are you high?
Oh okay, thanks for clarification
His motivation was to merk someone just to get away with it?
My cat likes to use her nails when jumping up in the bed…then shorty after using them to cross my chest or neck to the other side.