I don’t understand why we haven’t played the Uno Reverse card on the “TRANS ARE COMING FOR OUR KIDS” Crowd
“You wanna inspect our kid’s genitals to make sure they’re using the right toilet? Sir, I don’t think you need to be anywhere where anyone’s kids are going to be.”
It’s a shame her popularity was so short lived, if she had remained one of gaming’s stars we could have gotten a third game (I love you WayForward, especially for the Shantae series and Clock Tower Rewind, but Betrayal was sadly the best subtitle you could have given your entry, and that’s not a compliment)
And maybe a movie that wasn’t directed by Uwe Boll
As much as I do love the Postal movie, it’s probably the only good thing Boll ever made and it’s still schlock.
At this point I’m glad I’m a janitor and AI doesn’t mop floors…
And I feel sorry for anyone who take those “LeARn To CoDe” nutters seriously when they gave that as advice on how to leave poverty.
Not in a “Haha, I’m bette than you cause I’m blue collar” sense, but in a…
“I’m just grateful to have bread crumbs, the situation is dire, there are no easy solutions outside of revolting against our so-called masters.”
That’s banned in most states, even though banning it is illegal
If ya know, ya know
Simply because… well that statement is funny
YOUCANSEEANICEICEKEYWHICHYOUCANHAVEFORFREE - Because that damn key tortured me as a kid
and finally
BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND because I was too dumb to play Turok 2 fairly
Lot of people who turn to crime do so because they don’t have any other chance.
If they get the public to associate LGBT with Sexual Deviancy and Sexual Deviancy with Crimes against children, they can arrest anyone they want for being “Light in the Loafers”
I’m not saying that lizard people control the world and that they actively feed upon our misery and create the conditions that make us the least happy, without breaking us so much that we destroy the system imprisoning us in retribution…
But if there were what would they be doing differently?
God imagine if there was a Blue MAGA, a cult that was just as die-hard about protecting transpeople, labor rights, and all that as Red MAGA was with destroying them.
Joe offered me Vanilla Ice Cream, but I prefer Strawberry, so to spite Joe I took Donald’s offer to let him piss in my mouth…
You were warned what Trump wanted to do, and now he’s turning Palestine into a Trump Resort
Honestly I’m surprised that “You won’t have to hear about Trump again” wasn’t motivation enough for people to get to the polls
The afterlife thankfully doesn’t mention him, it doesn’t mention anything.
You can’t do this to me
Given the latest events at the DNC
What did the DNC do?
Not enough questions were asked about Elon’s involvement in this.
The movement may have started as equality, but it has clearly been either co-opted by bad faith agents, misandrists, and career sociopaths.
2025… IT doesn’t feel real as the current year, I legitimately odn’t understand how I’m still alive. I feel like an aged immortal being that was there at the dawn of man and has watched him fail to approach anything resembling a true Gilded Age, and now I crave death to see a world beyond the material, to be free from my captors, and ascend to greater things.
I’m 33
When someone tells you who they are, listen.