Yer in one
This is exactly the Cyberpunk we expected. Cyberpunk has never been shy about being a dystopia.
Practically the definition of the genre. It’s not typically “punk” if it’s a glistening utopia.
Using robots to do conduct black market trade under the nose of the police sounds extremely punk.
The 3 industries that will always have the money and be on the forefront of innovation:
- Military
- Drugs
- Porn
not so much if we’d legalize drugs.
Oh trust me… They would still have the money.
Something something big pharma…
- Ads
Reminds me of this meme
That’s hilarious and I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to steal it to post.
Next dog will have a concealed robotic cargo pouch and poops out the drugs
Next dog will probably shoot or electrocute the cops.
Robot Drug Delivery Dog is so much better than Robot NYPD Mass-Surveillance dog that I almost can’t express how happy OP makes me.
The city’s first robot police dog was leased in 2020 by Adams’ predecessor, former Mayor Bill de Blasio, but the city’s contract for the device was cut short after critics derided it as creepy and dystopian.
Adams said he won’t bow to anti-robot dog pressure.
This is most likely a joke. It’s not even confirmed it was drugs.
“After inspection, it was found that the packages the robot was carrying contained a powder resembling illegal substances.”
“After inspection, it was found that the packages the robot was carrying contained a powder resembling illegal substances.”
Moscow Police: Oh, silly me. Did I say packages? I meant package—singular. 😏
What? Two packages?
One still? None left?
Can’t have shit on mars when you are a postman.
Envelope with text “bribe”. Empty.
Okay, you can quit snorting that anthrax now
i mean, those robots are like $50k a piece minimum right? and they’re not particularly fast. it wouldn’t make sense to use them as drug mules
That doesn’t look like a Spot but one of the cheaper copies.
Just some brief searching shows me you can get them for under $1000 these days. It might actually be cost-effective.
At that rate, you could use them as patrolling watch dogs too. Have one bot with the drugs, the others all just watch.
It’s hard for me to believe this strictly because A) those things are fucking expensive, and B) aren’t they like …hella fucking fast??
They are not that fast. At least none that I’ve seen. I’d say they go like 10mph tops.
Quadcopters would be more efficient financially and more reliable. Probably faster too.
fr not encouraging anything illegal, buuut. The robot dog should only be used if the drone needs a place to stop mid way from the check point because of battery limitations or weather, as like a mobile outpost/command center to prevent easily spot able routing from places. Having the robo dog do the entire trip is quite wasteful on resources.
This guy efficiently drug deals.
This may be the coolest fucking thing ever
Nah, I’m kinda okay with that. Better than thought-crime surveillance Cyberpunk dystopia.
Why not both?
Why not skip the neon bright lights and just go straight to a full on 1984?
I see your communist plot to combat light pollution. The sky must be filled with lights from advertisements or else you wouldn’t know about the products that we already advertise on your phone and in your dreams. Stay in line citizen.
I’m beyond the point where the casual anti-soviet jab strikes me as funny.
The only difference between Cyberpunk & our current dystopia is full-dive VR, the neon lights are optional.
Yeah or 1984 with neon lights and drugs robot dogs
Or what about drugs robot dogs on cyberdrugs?
Hi, is this robodog still available?
This would probably be cheaper to send over the border with drugs too.
I betcha its not too hard to put a faux skin on one of these to make it look like an actual animal, which from a distance would be potentially hard to tell apart from an real animal. As long as it’s used in the middle of nowhere,
It would probably be great for send drugs over remote parts of the border.
Wouldn’t a drone be cheaper and easier?
Easier to see and you can shoot it down from a distance more easily too.
The ruskies should be extra nervous about drones these days too.
“Is drugs? Or about to blow a spire off the kremlin?
Sounds extremely fishy. Those robo-dogs are expensive, they are slow - too slow to really act as couriers, and this is supposed to be Moscow - A city in a country under rather strict tech embagos, where you can’t get them at the next corner shop.
Not to mention the Russian police uniform doesn’t look like that.
I can’t tell too much from the picture but I believe that’s a Chinese robot and China will ship to Russia from what I understand. And I’ve seen those as low as $1600 and anyone can order them online. It still sounds fishy maybe the cops want an excuse to get their own
yep china has several, my concern is the range on these are dogshit.
A city in a country under rather strict tech embagos
Chinese tech is not embargoed and, despite less cool videos, actually widely deployed.
When can I get paid thousands of dollars to carry a USB drive 5 miles, assuming I manage to get away from a cybernetically enhanced Dolph Lundgren?
Russian military has a pretty cool weapon. Armoured minitank packed with explosives that drives into buildings and then detonates. It is usually accompanied by a small camera air drone that provides visual info, on where to drive the minitank, or at least is there to show off the destruction.
That is a higher level of dystopia. But, self driving food delivery mini vehicle technology will become a tool of the resistance to the genocidal extermination of unneeded labour pool.
But production of drones takes about 18 years
In this case the dystopia is the prohibition and storm troopers, not the robot dog.
Storm troopers you say?
This is why god invented automatic grenade launchers