This would encourage me to choose physical fitness, or to laugh as my tired ass goes up the escalator. I certainly see where there is room for hurt feelings (especially with regards to health issues), but this is pretty effective given that it is in a different language and I instantly understood it.
The fatter arrow is just the icing on the cake.
This person attentions to detail
I think it’s a good nudge tbh. Stairs are proven again and again to be an incredibly healthy workout given that you don’t have issues with your knees.
I just came back from Japan and 20k steps a day and hundreds of stairs for a month really put me in shape and made me realize how important good shoes are lol
Stairs are proven again and again to be an incredibly healthy workout given that you don’t have issues with your knees.
I think stairs on the way up is good for health and fine for knees, stairs on the way down doesn’t do as much for health and hurts my knees if I do too much.
That’s why on they way down you grind on the railing with your skateboard.
Nudge isn’t real there is no evidence
Dunno it works on me 🤷♂️
Anecdotes are not evidence. I’d suggest reading more about the pseudoscience first but you seem to not care that you’re spreading bs.
Sure thing buddy
Given the current political climate, being on the side of posting lies and misinformation on the internet seems an odd choice. But someone has to be the bad guy, I suppose.
But I do have issues with my knees lol
While I agree if you can take the stairs you should, however it really breeds ridicule if you are overweight and can’t do it
I think its a very good point. We should probably figure out how to distinguish representation here between “I’m not taking stair” sort of fat and healthy. Maybe it would make more sense to use a carrot here and instead if skinny stick man have a health symbol like a literal carrot maybe idk
Godammit you have to make such a good and insightful comment and then use lol as punctuation. Fuck that. You’re not laughing out loud, liar.
I chortled.
haters gonna hate lol
I literally lolled at this lol
Agreed… Moving to a perfectly flat city and living on the first floor isn’t helping me haha
It’s educational and a good initiative. I use stairs as an opportunity for exercise also.
Yeah well maybe an icon that usually tells people where to take a shit shouldn’t be so fucking critical.
finally, accommodations for Americans
Korean are savage, you will meet someone you haven’t seen in a while,and they will look at you straight in the eyes znd tell you " Wow, you gained weight!!!" Just after saying “hi!”
My friend is Chinese, straight from China. Her english is great. That doesn’t stop her from saying “why you wear that shirt, make you look so ugly”. I love the brutality.
Closeup for anyone interested
I like how it says save energy, but also says you burn 0.5kcal per step
“Calories” that would otherwise be burned by the escalator (electricity), I’m sure it uses more when under load, some of them even go in low speed mode when no one’s on it.
I haven’t seen escalators that do that where I’m from, but I was just joking that the claims of saving energy were in reference to doing physical work instead of not using power for the escalator.
8 SECONDS FOR EVERY 2 STEPS CLIMBED? Did Korea just discover the secret of immortality and it’s to keep climbing stairs?
Its possible to climb 4 steps at once
Assuming you can do it in a second and that the way back down takes the same amount of time, you can increase your life by 8 seconds per second
If you do this for 20 years continuously, you could live to over 160 years old
Just spend 3 hours a day climbing stairs and you live 1 more day. Ez. Doctors hate this one simple trick.
But then they put a pole in the middle of the escalator access. LOL.
I was about to say, they put a giant pole in the middle, no one who is fat will enjoy fitting through that and some even fatter people will never fit lmao
In Korea, the left of the escalator is for walking, the right is for standing.
(They have signs saying “no walking” but that’s what the divider is for; to double the capacity)
The pole is to prevent people from taking carts and similar objects up and potentially causing an accident
Though it does have unintended consequences
Why do people have carts on the subway?
Not necessarily carts like the ones you see in shopping malls, but it’s also for things that would not be safe on the escalators like:
- Baby carts (forgot the proper name for them)
- Large carrier bags
- Those cart-like bags elderly people usually carry around that doubles as a walking assistant
Accidentally letting them go would be dangerous.
Stroller is the word you were looking for for baby cart. I hate when I can’t think of a word, it pisses me off until I look it up or somehow remember and I can’t focus on anything else.
its not for the subway, its for the elevator. Its dangerous to have carts on elevator
You must be THIS BIG to ride this ride.
But no more than THIS WIDE because of the pole
Ever tried to climb 5 flights of stairs after a redeye, with 56 lbs of luggage?
Asians wouldn’t carry so much unnecessary bullshit of course. 😉
Lol spoken like one who has never been to an outlet shopping mall near a major tourist destination.
I’m a skinny bastard, so I’m taking the escalator
Idk why you’re joking but i used to be underweight and couldn’t afford a lot of food, and i genuinely tried to burn as few calories as possible, making choices like you’re describing all the time.
calories are cheap, it’s nutrition that costs
Some of us even have to skimp on the rice and beans
Did you even try being born wealthy?
No, way too lazy for that. My own fault, i know.
In your next life, do more crime.
It’s been less than a decade and it seems I’m already in my next life
Boy, the comment section should be fun with this one
Good chance to curate my block list.
Can I be in your block list?
I don’t have any major infractions but I have the capacity to be bad once in a while
Maybe it should show the number of calories you’d burn going up the stairs. It would be a small number, but it’s better than 0.
It says you burn 0.5Kcal for every 2 steps you take, and extend your life by 8 seconds.
Here is even an example that shows progress as your calories and seconds added increase as you climb up the stairs.
My former job used to have that on the stairs. Was a nice motivator for me.
For 75kg (roughly average South Korean male weight) and 7" step height (standard in the US I think, not sure about Korea), this is about 0.13kJ/step.
By coincidence, the human metabolic efficiency is (roughly) the same as the conversion between kJ and food (kilo)calories, meaning this would be (very roughly) 0.1 calories/step.
Not much, given a single French fry is maybe 5-10 calories. But it’s better than nothing!