Have you ever been tested for ADHD? I don’t want to go around diagnosing people but this kind of executive dysfunction is central to it
Do you sometimes agonize on and off for hours over a task that could be done in 30 minutes?
Have you ever been tested for ADHD? I don’t want to go around diagnosing people but this kind of executive dysfunction is central to it
Do you sometimes agonize on and off for hours over a task that could be done in 30 minutes?
Dihydrogen monoxide?
It’s septic tank not sceptic. I try not to be a dick but you wrote it so many times.
We are still using VGA on current gen installations for the primary display on the most expensive patient monitoring system products in the world. If there’s a second display it gets displayport. 1080p is still the max resolution.
But how could we ban the content when the owners of the media are fascists? When all three branches of the government are dominated by people who rely on this messaging?
You want people to relax while we’re in the beginning of a fascist takeover of our country?
Right on, fair enough.
I live in the state that gave Trump his highest margin of victory, so I have seen what you describe many times.
My friend listened to punk music and played in punk bands. He was very conservative politically. I hadn’t seen him in a while and we decided to go to a show hours away and catch up. We had stopped talking politics to preserve our friendship. We were on our way back from the show, listening to Rancid, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was like “hey man, you love this music, but do you not hear the lyrics? How can you say the things you say?” I didn’t know he had changed.
He had been doing survey work for a mining company for years. He explained that after he got out of that job, everything became clear. He wasn’t conservative anymore, in fact he had become progressive.
He explained that when he worked with nothing but hard right conservatives, with Fox News on all day, it seeped into his brain and corrupted him.
This is an intelligent man I’m talking about. He was a victim of propaganda and was smart enough to realize it once he was away from it.
This is always on my mind:
"“We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
Trump said this at a speech in Nevada during the primary in 2016, and people cheered.
It’s happened twice to me at 41. I was able to get it resolved both times but it was not easy and in the first case seriously hurt my credit score for seven years.
This has happened many times. In the last city I lived in, a man went in to have a leg amputated and they got the wrong one, so he ended up with zero legs.
At one point in the campaign JD Vance suggested that people with children should get more votes than childfree people. I’m certain he, and many others, would be down for that.
Banks and nations. Saudi Arabia was a big contributor. I wonder why a theocratic dictatorship would want influence over a worldwide free speech platform?
That’s so fucking clever, I love it.
Around 2006, a woman was able to start an account with the local power company with my SSN and name. She said she was my girlfriend and was setting it up for me. I know this because the person setting up the account made a note of it at the time. She ran it up over $300 and then let them close it. I didn’t find out about it until a few years later when I had to set up electric in my name (lived with roommates from 2002 until like 2016). They told me they wouldn’t start a new account until I paid what I owed.
I don’t think this is possible anymore, but even at the time it’s unbelievable that it was allowed.
Please stop with this. Al Gore said he took the initiative in creating the Internet. As in, he used his abilities as a lawmaker to make the internet possible.
AI Gore claims he invented the Internet is a right wing op.
There isn’t even a center political party of any consequences in the US. There’s right and far right.
Pedo comment was the moment I realized what he actually was. I thought he seemed pretty cool before that. My class consciousness wasn’t fully evolved at that point though or I would have realized he had to be a piece of shit to be a billionaire.
/s is the worst thing to happen to Internet discussion, at least recently.
We even have trouble with cultural shit within our own species! Smiling like that all the time would warn me away and I’m from a culture that generally likes smiling. In our closest living genetic relative, the chimpanzee, a toothy smile means “I’m ready to tear your arm/balls off.”