In general, it’s worth getting to video games. I would caution against trying corporate-created games, mainly because they are a money sink (for you) first and worthwhile entertainment second. There are a lot of “indie” games out there typically created by people truly passionate on their craft… you can take a look at them and see if it interests you.
Power lines blocking sky, Japan: 😍😍😍😍
About the Warsaw Uprising, I thought the targets were purely German military, so while a close analogy to how Hamas framed their action, it’s not exact.
The good guys are aid workers and Palestinian and Israeli civilians who do not like the conflict.
By working on my self-esteem. A lot of the fear is tying your worth on the outcome of approaching your crush.
If you decouple your self-worth on whether your crush reciprocates or not, then you can come as close as you like.