He probably goes around asking women to guess what’s in his pocket and then whips his penis out through a hole in said pocket.
That’s what I read on Facebook, so it must be true
Looks like a bad case of Graft Vs Host he’s got there.
You’re average sewer rat king is better groomed than that.
There’s probably some nice people who look like that, too, so I prefer to attack his ugly as fuck character and soul.
Why resort to criticizing their looks, when they’re sooo much uglier inside?
It’s fair to attack someone’s looks when it is a point of pride they assert themselves. He obviously thinks he’s some kind of hotshot macho man, so kicking him when he’s down is fine given the crimes he’s committed and how generally awful he is. It is not the same as making fun of a random person’s appearance for no reason.
I mean, let’s try it based on the gut check, based on a fictional billionaire.
“That bastard passed a bill that lets him appropriate community funds to repair his six - SIX mansions while the community suffers. And you know what’s almost as bad? He’s BLACK.”
Doesn’t really matter if it’s fair. It’s not right. And your eagerness to jump to it, once you feel justified to do so, says a lot about your own character.
You aren’t the sole decider of what is right and wrong my dude, wtf lmao. You are righteous beyond belief
So did his scammy pick up artist “how to be an alpha” classes pay off for you?
I’m advocating not to stoop to that level. You’re reveling in the opportunity to.
Which of us do you think is more like Tate?
Considering you’re acting like a butthole, I’d say you.
‘Judge people on their character, not their looks’ vs ‘you’re being a butthole.’
If you had to put money on it, which of these would you bet Tate is more likely to say?
“Be careful not to become what you hate in others.”
Take your own advice.
Holy shit your horse is tall
Holy shit that’s Andrew Tate? Lmao
Lol that’s wild. What color is your Bugatti now mother f*cker lol
No that’s Gollum, from smash hit video game “The Lord of the Rings: Gollum”.
Can’t he just get depressed and kill himself already? That would be one of the few times that practice actually benefits society.
Seeing his face is like hearing a vicious slur.
Ah, how the pathetic have fallen.
Looks like he was worked like a bitch. Slave work 12 hours a day!
Working slaves 12hrs/day?
It’s a fucked up thing he said once
Andrew Tate uranium cake
More like urinal cake.
I bet that’s what they tried to say but autocorrect fucked it.
Is this a recent picture? Because I’m pretty sure he’s back on YouTube talking shit like an edgy 13 year old…
Mainly I’m going to slave these bitches […] I’m going to make them work even more hours and hours and hours… I work these bitches like slaves. […] SLAVE work. Minimum 10 or 12 hours a day."
“I don’t want to tell them that they have OnlyFans, I want that money to be used by me and you, screw them…”
“I don’t want them to have the passwords, I don’t want them to have anything.”
The Tate brothers, and some of the women working for them, previously told investigators that the allegations are the result of jealousy.
he looks like he’s one of those trolls that live under bridges
Is that Asmongold?
Why you do Asmondgold like that?
Aww you’re right. We can’t throw shade at the genocide supporting right wing grifter.
Well I guess I’m ootl on that one, what’d asmon do?
Supported genocide. Palestinian specifically. And not like “Supports Israel and thinks civilian casualties are an unfortunate inevitability of war”, but very unapologetically thinks the Palestinians should die.
Never listen that much to him. Just watched his stream for a bit when he played FFXIV. No idea he did that.
He did apologize
Him, his brother, Canadian benzo king, that uppity African-American with several baby mommas, orange deity, Yaxley-Fucking-Lennon et al. almost make me want to be anti cis white male… but then I realise that would make me more, not less, like them.
Kids, if you’re reading this, trust me when I say that if these guys are your heroes then you’ve fucked up already - but it’s never too late to save yourself. Good luck.
that uppity African-American with several baby mommas
I have no idea who you’re referring to, but why are you using slurs and negative stereotypes?
Elon Musk
There’s a guy, a South African, who, in my opinion has too much of a say in another country’s (the US’) politics. He bought Twitter, works with electric cars, space rockets, brain chips etc.
His name escapes me. Sorry to offend you.
I think they are trying to refer to musk but he is African not African-American. Hrm…
He’s (South) African, now (less than legally) American.
That’s pretty much African-American. He’s got apartheid all over his birth & soul rather than a darker skin color, if that’s your gateway.
There is a serious problem of kids, especially boys, not having heroes these days.
Villains all the more.
I can’t say for sure, but I have no reason to doubt that.
He looks like Babish lol
How dare you compare him to Andrew.
Oh shit, they both have the save first name, lol
That is an insult to Babish.
Off brand Vsauce Michael to me