Typical woke left with their “facts” and “evidence” and shit.
Typical woke left with their “facts” and “evidence” and shit.
Someone should have yote this in the trash.
How far can you yeet a baby with this? Asking for a friend.
What else is he storing in his “storage room”?
People who save files on the desktop deserve to use Windows.
I used to, but I haven’t smoked a fag in thirty years.
Lemmy is plenty mindless, thank you.
I once saw a TV program where they tried something like this. They had a few dozen people on exercise bikes try to power a normal family home. They barely managed even going flat out with a lot of people. Humans aren’t very good for generating electricity. I think it’s basically impossible to get more out of them than you have to feed them. Our future robotic overlords won’t have much use for us.
And it’s been floating around for at least ten years. So don’t worry, little Timmy is safe.
Yes. I use Mint. Please help me cross the road.
That’s a great idea actually. I suggest we just deliver a barrel of the stuff to every nuke fanboy on here.
How do you know that? There are no reliable figures on the Chernobyl deaths because there was and is a massive ongoing cover-up. Same goes for Fukushima, Windscale and whatever the Soviets managed to sweep under the rug. Until you come up with some actually reliable figures, I suggest you stop repeating this obvious propaganda talking point
I have an old convertible that I want to - erm - convert to Linux once Windows 10 goes EOL. Can I use any distro with KDE to use the mobile version or which ones support it? I use Mint right now and I’d like to stay as close to that as possible.
Prepare to be annihilated, filthy squishy meat sacks!
You just use a mirror. Geez, people, read your mythology!
Time to buy AMD shares. Elmo is going to run the place into the ground before you can say “the gays done did it”.
Wouldn’t it be easier to aim without the bayonet?
Who ever claimed he created the technology? That makes no sense at all. And SpaceX got funding from NASA, just like a lot of other aerospace companies. In terms of value they delivered for that money, they’re far ahead of the competition. Boeing got more money for Starliner than SpaceX got for Crew Dragon. And look how that turned out.
Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?