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I’d just tweet “poop” at Muskrat and Donald 24/7
You can do that rn if you wanted to.
I don’t want to create a Twitter account 😔
Fair enough.
Choose One?
That question mark ❓ suggests the option I could take them all instead if I wanted…
I’d take all but the blue one. Once my powers become known, my crush would love me! Together we’d run my campaign for mayor. I’d win on the promise that the browns will win the superbowl. Yes, I’m making a fecies joke about the BROWNS wining the SUPERBOWL.
I just gotta make the other team shit their pants at the right times.
Green’ll do just fine, thanks
But imagine all the weed gummies you could pilfer if you could threaten people at pink-pill-point.
Jokes on you, I’m aromantic!
I choose the weed gummy
I mean, it’s not even a contest
I’d choose yellow as well. I imagine sound will reach like 90 dB!
Bobbity bibbity - your pants are now full of shittery
Who tf is choosing anything but pink?!?
You’re a beta pisser
Maybe I already piss so loud I don’t need it 😏
I mean the weed gummy isn’t that bad
But of the rest, pink is the only one that does anything fun. And it could technically be useful. If you need to distract someone during a heist, for an example.
Also you’d be immune to constipation.
Having your crush as your legitimate wingman is a fucking superpower beyond all superpowers.
So I would clearly take the pink pill if necking them all at once isn’t an option.
My Super-name would have to be Shitstorm
What if I already have the blue pill power? Does it cancel out in some sort of strange overdose condition?
Allow me to introduce my little friend:
I hope you’re on your very own watch list :S
It’s only chaotic evil if you use it as such.
Could work as a televangelist for constipated people.
Teledoctor*, unless you’re planning to only use it on people if they convert to your religion.
Why would anyone choose anything but the magenta one?
I’d take blue maybe, I could use a friend 🥲
We’ll all be your friend here. We just have to avoid all things that could potentially cause strife, because we are on the .world server, after all. No real discussions, no delving into topics that unnerve cowardly mods. Everything is surface level and calm, just like any casual… friendship… without feeling…
You took the blue pill already, didn’t you?
Because you have the soul of a puppy and you can’t imagine harming another?
Screw that! I wanna make boom boom in others pants!
I cast Power Word: “SHIT YOURSELF”
Pink, you can control any situation with that.
You got some dude coming to attack you with a knife? Point finger guns at him and say “Poop”, they poop instantly stopping them in their tracks, confusing the ever loving fuck out of them… Then you do it again while they stare at you, slowly working out it’s you doing this.
You walk up to them as they slowly try to retreat from you, you hit them in more time and walk off into the distance, leaving him to try to get home without anyone noticing he pooped his pants, because who’s gonna believe him?
What I want to know is, do I have control over consistency, force, and quantity? Is there a limit to the range for this power? Do I need line of sight or is it more of a “Death Note” thing? Can I cause defecation syncope? Can I make someone poop themself to death?
So far it seems to be whatever they have going on already, you can modify force tho, but that has risks of its own… It seems that as long as I have some form of live visual of the person it works.
What happens when the tank is empty?
Insides become outsides, but it takes a while for that to happen, people are full of shit.
He tries to run, but you slow-walk towards him, chanting “poop!” with every step. His pants are heavy, and blood starts to show through his jeans. “I’ll cut your guts out!” he helplessly bluffs. Soon, he crumples up and screams as his guts start emptying into the street; his denim is no longer able to hold the carnage. You see him lying dead at your feet.
You turn back towards the United Healthcare headquarters, and resume your march.
Now, it is finally time to see at what point explosive diarrhea is covered…