It’s funny because any man stating “this is true” etc is just telling on themselves. If the physical attraction was there before marriage the only reason it would disappear after marriage is that one person is suddenly not “putting in the effort” any more.
That effort doesn’t start with a bj.
I’ve had GFs in the past lose their attraction to me because I cried in front of them one time. All kinds of shit can affect that. Not just laziness. It may not even be anyone’s fault at all.
Not fully convinced you’re discussing marriage like the rest of us here tbh
I’m discussing reasons people can lose attraction to each other. You don’t have to be married for that to happen.
The thread talks about what happens after marriage. I suggest not marrying people you haven’t been vulnerable in front of.
That was just an example I had personally experienced. As I said there could be any number of reasons. Mental health, work stress, illness, hormone changes, etc. Marriage status has nothing to do with it.
It seems really unhealthy for men to not ever cry.
Maybe but overall I think I’d have been better off keeping it to myself and continuing to have sex regularly. I don’t need to cry that often and having someone else around when I do it has never really helped with whatever was going on.
It’s entirely possible that it’s not the man who stopped putting in effort.
Look at the demographics of those who create, share and upvote memes from the man’s (this thread) and the woman’s point of view.
Entirely possible - yes. Statistically likely - no.
Purely out of curiosity, where are you pulling these demographics from?
Are you interested or did I just hit too close to home for your liking?
Do you expect everyone to accept everything you say at face value without question? Are you this bizarrely aggressive every time someone questions you? I questioned it because it seemed like an odd statement with very broad reach being applied in a largely anonymous space.
You’ve linked a paper locked behind a paywall, thanks for that. I’m not seeing much of anything to do with demographics in that paper at all. The paper appears to be an analysis of the types of humour present in some popular memes and how they apply to feminism.
None of the categories outlined in the paper even seem like a particularly good fit for this particular meme, other than maybe at a stretch a single line discussing general vs specific sexism, although I’ll openly admit I’m not conversant in the literature.
If you ask for scientific backing it’s a bit rich to then complain on you not being able to read said papers. However, let me tell you about sci-hub:
The “Analysis and discussion” heading is interesting reading.
This paper is also relevant:
Women (M = 1.46, SD = 1.83) were more likely than men (M = 1.83, SD = 1.16) to believe that being ready to have sex and their partner’s desire for sex are important to consider in relationships (t(254) = –2.863, p < .01).
I didn’t ask for scientific backing, I asked where you were pulling the demographics from because you said “look at the demographics” indicating this is readily available information. How exactly is it rich if I complain I can’t read the papers? (Which you’ll note I didn’t actually say, you might also note sci-hub is blocked in multiple countries including mine.) I don’t understand the reasoning there, you provide something that’s not easily readable and blame me for not being able to read it?
Regardless, I did actually read it as you’ll note again from my previous post I pointed out there don’t appear to be any demographics in the paper and that the paper appears to be more about categorising memes and how they pertain to feminism.
The second paper you’ve provided doesn’t mention memes, it’s an exploratory study of how social media use impacts perceptions of relationships and consent in a small collegiate sample (the sample size is emphasized by the authors, not me). No real conclusions are drawn although the authors do speculate it is the perception of how others behave on social media in relationships that causes the impact - how is this supporting your point? It has absolutely nothing to do with people posting anything, memes or otherwise.
Their ass
I don’t understand how people end up married to someone they only kinda like and tolerate. Idk if I’ll ever marry because I want to be very sure we love each other and are compatible before making big decisions like that.
Agreed. I you are a woman why would you engage in sexual activities that you don’t really enjoy? If you are a guy why would you push a person that you supposeddly love to perform sex acts that she doesn’t want to do.
More than that: if you seem incompatible, why are you hiding it behind resentful jokes instead of actually confronting it?
True, but people should express their wants and needs in life.
From experience: in the US especially we’re sold this idea of the nuclear family: a husband, a wife, 2.5 kids and a dog with a picketed yard. It sounds nice, when that’s how you’ve grown up and how your friends have grown up and how your parents live and how your grandparents live. We’re sold this idea, this lie, so intensely because our country wants us to be in these easy to control family units designed to enforce patriarchy.
When a man is taught his job is to be a patriarchy, to be stoic, to be the protector and provider, he forgets his own needs. When aan forgets his own needs, he unwittingly lies to those close to him, those who love him. Those who think he loves them, beyond familial tie.
These are doubly so for those of us who are neurodivergent, as were taught from birth that we must suppress our own needs so those around us will tolerate us. It doesn’t matter if I loved her or not, she loved me and that means I have a responsibility.
Anyway those are just my 2 cents, but what do I know, I’m just a late 20s divorced autistic trans woman, cishet relationships are an enigma to me.
Even as a kid, that “ideal” seemed miserable to me. I guess I kinda see it if we adjust it to me being transbian, but it’s still not ideal. I think I’d be a lot happier in a much more communal culture, which is the opposite of the American Dream.
I’m also not monogamist, so uh, yeah, that’s very not compatible with this system.
I’ve always dreamed of having large abode filled with friends and lovers where everyone pitched in and helped each other.
waaaaannnnnnnntttttt!!! that would be amazing
For all those young people trying to figure out of they are compatible and should get married …
If you can both afford it … go on an international trip together for at least two weeks.
Organizing together for something this expensive shows both how committed each other are to one another.
Spending every single day with each other figuring out how to live with each other during a complicated, sometimes difficult, but very real situations that have to be dealt with shows who each person really is and how they handle things. It gets even more revealing when you both end up in a situation where you are both tired, hungry and stressed out. Even if you are a good planner and organize every hour of a trip, not everything works out and it’s those moments that show who you really are. And the longer your trip lasts, the more these events happen and the more you see the other person because you have to rely on one another in a foreign country.
I went to Thailand with my wife after we got together (we never officially married because we just didn’t care about that). We didn’t have much money and most expensive part of the trip was the flight to get there. We stayed in hostels, huts, bungalows and shady places and spent every day fearful, hot, confused and wondering what to do next. We did it for a month and we grew to love and trust one another through some really crazy shit. That was 26 years ago and we still talk about it.
My favorite story about this was a couple we knew years ago. They took one motorcycle and went on a four month journey around North America on their honeymoon. They went as far as Alaska, the Atlantic coast, Pacific coast, gulf of Mexico and down to Panama and back. They’re still together after 60 years.
That’s kind of classist ngl, implying that you should only get married if you can afford a two week international vacation?
Or European, but that’s still holding something over my American, married on a beach by my mother in law, right back to work, no honeymoon no money for gifts no vacation time to take anyway ass.
But I understand the sentiment, I’d been with my partner 11 years before we got married, we knew how bad it could get without being the Griswalds
I dont think its classist since they dont suggest it as a precondition youve got to do before marrying, more a thing you can give a go like they prefaced with “if you can afford it”.
It doesn’t usually start out that way. People get complacent and other life shit happens that they start to prioritize over their partner. Then resentment builds and everything goes to hell.
Maybe you’re taking the joke too seriously. No one and no relationship is perfect. I can easily be both in a solid relationship with the love of my life and have some areas of frustration to vent in sexism jokes. Of course she may be frustrated enough to divorce me out of the blue, so I guess the joke is on me
I can’t say I’ve ever had a relationship or friend that made me want to do sexist jokes about them
Add a few decades to any decision. You probably won’t feel the same.
Feel the same as what?
Feel the same about the decision I think is what is being suggested.
Feel the same about the decision as what?
As they did when they made it at a guess. Seems like fairly straightforward English.
Seems like quite confusing English (I still don’t get it).
You said you want to be confident in your decision to marry before you do (paraphrasing a bit) - the other poster is saying that after a couple of decades it’s possible for you to change your mind about any decision no matter how confident you were at the time you made it.
As you did when you made the decision decades ago.
So many married couples I know tend to talk as if they absolutely hate their spouse. I never understood it. If you hate them that much, then why are you married??? Very rarely do people seem to have a mutually appreciative relationship with one another. As someone who never really bothered with dating, the whole concept of people staying with someone they hate so much has forever confused me.
As a general thing not related to relationships…I’ve noticed that most people I interact with at work have strong tendencies to be randomly unkind for no reason. The people who I have always gravitated towards either don’t seem to display random acts of unkindness or very rarely do so. I wonder if the problem is simply that most people in general are assholes??? Maybe if both of them are assholes then each one is the best they could have come up with or something??? Idk just rambling off some ideas here.
My guess is the assholeness is also built up resentment, because clear communication is socially taboo. We use euphemisms and hints, we say things without saying it, we avoid being rude and hide feelings. I’ve always hated that.
People get horny and lonely, are willing to make a lot of compromises to change that. and complacency happens over time. Throw kids in the mix, and everything gets intensified.
You know the boomer joke about spouse becoming a different person after marriage/childbirth? This is how.
Let the downvotes begin.
Since when is it a “joke”?
Take the time to know someone as a friend for a long time, date slowly and get to know them well.
I met my wife in college and we took it very slow for 8 years or so and then got married, and now we have been married about the same. We didn’t rush into marriage, kids, etc.
We also have very good communication about anything and everything, we take the time to spend together and we also have time for ourselves.
It’s nice that they are cleaning together
Maybe they could work together to clean out some of the water pipes in the house
r/BOOMERTIME is leaking?
Wash your taint FFS!
Haha I hate my wife!
With this kind of attitude, his mop is better at making things wet than he is.
That’s not even a mop.
that’s what she said
This is a shit post, not a shitpost
lol so many downvotes to this
People come to a lemmy group for a laugh and then there are those who just can’t laugh about anything. They must be very sad people
The suck is what you gotta keep focused in the right area. Typically the groin
I cannot relate.
Boomer humor.
Are the straights OK?
according to suicide statistics they’re better than non-straights
But that’s because of society not relationships
doesn’t really matter if you only ask whether someone’s fine or not
Theres some strange “culture” around straight relationships and jokes about how your wife sucks is an example of it.
Asking “are the straights ok” is to express that you notice an example of that, obviously not an actual question about mental health.
so the unhealthy thing straights do is making bad jokes about their partner, while in contrast non-straights are more likely to commit/experience domestic abuse.
Previous studies, when analyzed together, indicate that domestic violence affects 25 percent to 75 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals. However, a lack of representative data and underreporting of abuse paints an incomplete picture of the true landscape, suggesting even higher rates. An estimated one in four heterosexual women experience domestic abuse, with rates significantly lower for heterosexual men. [source]
also this:
[T]he ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. [source]
but sure, we should ask specifically about the wellbeing of the straights
As I pointed out, “are the straights ok” has nothing to do with actual wellbeing. Its meant to express surprise the same way someone might reply to “I like pineapples on pizza” with “are you ok?”.
Theres nothing to take offence over. Im straight myself. I probably did a bad job at explaining what the phrase takes aim at. See /r/AreTheStraightsOK on Reddit for examples of what it means.