I’m no audio expert, but I feel like “audiophile headphones” and “headphones you can power directly from a steam deck” are probably mutually exclusive
I’m betting that it can drive 250Ω headphones. Verifying.
EDIT: Yup. DT990s actually doing pretty decent.
EDIT 2: Not that I expect that OOP has actually nice-sounding and comfortable cans (the latter, along with repairability, is the reason that I have em in the first place), since they referred to them as “audiophile” headphones.
I use planar headphones which are not too bad to drive, but most of the time I need some extra power. The deck actually is capable of blowing my eardrums out still
Impedance and audio quality are not intrinsically linked.
Not necessarily, some high-end headphones manage to have a low resistance and high sensitivity combo and are easy to “drive” without a dedicated amp.
Hoping he means just for the labour, not the whole 9 months
Block out your annoying wife’s contractions with these Audiophile Headphones™.
Lol Windows.
Playing Tarkov on a screen that size might as well be impossible lol.
Imagine trying to spot killa power sliding across the halls of interchange in the dark fog from 150 meters out. Good fuckin luck lol.
That poor woman
Having to deal with a guy who uses windows on his Steam deck
I would hope she would have known about his red flags before the baby lolol
Can’t play tarkov on steam deck without windows or moonlight and moonlight over hospital wifi would be worse than tarkov natively over hospital wifi.
You can. I just played until level 36 and uninstalled.
“Wife’s pregnancy”
I’m wondering who is the father
You think he’s pregnant?
Extraction shooter, but it’s getting extracted from the womb.
He’s didn’t bring a second controller. Divorce.
What idiot would install windows on a steam deck. Defeats the whole point.
Guessing that his game of choice didn’t work on Steam OS
That said I wonder about the frame rate—this game is notoriously demanding/heavy AFAIK
He should choose better games then.
BSG have said they plan on adding linux support, just not their top priority.
The kind of idiot that boasts about “system tweaks” and “audiophile headphones”.
His “audiophile” colleagues would also murder him for plugging them into a 20 cent onboard DAC chip and still calling it an audiophile setup
tbh the decks dac is surprisingly good- at least with my planar IEMs
I did install windows on a microsd to play some online games with my steamdeck. It’s a so-so experience, but at least means you can literally play anything on the steamdeck.
Just get an ROG Ally at that point
SteamOS is still the main OS. I’ve just got a microsd for dual booting. I feel like a ROG Ally would be a downgrade at that point.
Dual boot Bazzite and windows(?)
But at what cost!
My thoughts exactly
It’s probably because he’s playing tarkov
Tarkov runs on linux tho.
Ah I assumed it was one of those multiplayer games that had an anti cheat which made the game not work on Linux.
Oh you are right. But the multiplayer anti cheat does not work at all and theres a opensource single player version that is better in every single way
Not my ideal setup but happy he’s happy.
I don’t know how some people find the time to do anything but help take care of mom and the baby. I was either sleeping or helping while trying to find time for food.
I was sitting next to my wife for a few hours talking to her (we brought food and so on, so no need for me to go anywhere).
I mean, I would have had time to play games, but I doubt I’d still be married. Tbf, I never even thought about that possibility before seeing this post.
I could maybe understand it, if it was a problematic pregnancy. Like, the wife of a friend of mine had to lie in a hospital bed for several weeks before giving birth to reduce the risk of premature birth. You’ll want to spend as much time there as possible, but after sitting in a room together for weeks, this might start to sound like a good idea,
Everything you saw and thought, “I should help with that.”; they don’t.
The kind of guy who installs Windows on his steam deck is the same kind of guy who won’t let his wife get an epidural.
He did say he played Tarkov.
It’s the woman’s choice to get an epidural or not though…
I thought this was gonna be a joke about Windows on Steam Deck but holy fuck everyone needs to mind their own business.
No, it’s always important to call out abusive parental figures.
How is this abusive?
It’s not, it’s a shitpost
Is a little cringe though, but maybe Dad was expecting an extended stay
Oh I see what you mean now. I agree, call out abusive behavior but too many people seem to want to have an input on things that don’t concern them.
then go do it in the appropriate thread, not this one. its incredibly off topic
tHiS iSnT aN aPpRopRiATe cOmMenT fOr tHE shITpoSt coMmunity
I lOvE a G*mEr dAD sUPPorTiNg hIs wIfE nO cAp nO sUbTeXt iN tHiS pOsT
holy shit cope harder dude
Why would anyone brag about any of this. His poor partner.
Engagement/rage bait. Or maybe it’s just satire?
Le setup. I love these guys posting their balls like this
You guys have clearly never had kids. It almost never goes like in the movies, you rush into hospital, and then you wait. Especially if the water broke, then you wait few days. There is absolutely nothing to do in the hospital. I would have killed for steamdeck, or even a switch.
I can see bringing the Deck, like you might be sitting there for at least 24 hours, you don’t need to be sitting there holding their hand the whole time…
But the keyboard? The mouse? The HEADPHONES? It’s not like you’re in an extended stay. You’re getting that baby out and going. You don’t need all that.
I mean the headphones make much more sense than the keyboard and mouse imo.
You wanna be able to hear if your partner needs anything. Ear buds would at least mean that they can only put one in at a time.
You’ve never worn headphones with one half off your ear before? Arguably better than just putting one earbud in, because you can still hear the game audio.
Those are over ear closed backs with thicc pads, no way are those going to be comfortable to one ear. Some Grados, maybe, but again the more important thing is hearing things in the room, not the game.
Wait wait wait, WINDOWS installed?
Just a cavalcade of poor decisions.
To be fair, a lot of anticheat tools don’t play nicely with Linux.
A few, not a lot, and not on any games worth playing
To be fair none of the games where their AC blocks linux are worth playing anyway.
Right… I hope this isn’t the begining of a shitty broken home and the birth of lost soul.
This is the kind of setup that once it’s complete you smile at how awesome it is, then pack it up because you don’t know what you even want to play and most of the games I do I wanna play i wanna play on a better monitor.
And then you realize you should propably spend time with your wife who is about to go through some of the worst experiences in life of having a baby and dealing with all the shit afterwards.