This implies that trolls will someday go extinct, as the only way to create new trolls is for two existing ones to have children.
This implies that trolls will someday go extinct, as the only way to create new trolls is for two existing ones to have children.
I started out with a laptop and it worked fine, but I always wondered, wouldn’t the energy consumption be much higher? Even with the screen off, a laptop isn’t made to run 24/7, right?
Lol you people are so edgy, don’t worry you’re very cool with your stories of rejecting menus and being a dick to waiters who have no say in the matter.
No wonder COVID had no trouble spreading if everyone is so insistent on holding soggy stained menus in their hands. I love digital menus, don’t need to touch anything, there’s enough for everyone, why the need to always be a contrarian?
Now go ahead and downvote me, my body account is ready
The kind of idiot that boasts about “system tweaks” and “audiophile headphones”.