That’s $3 for 15 eggs. Sadly not free-range, only cage-free.
Not sure if this is the best community for this post, does anyone have a better suggestion?
Is that the American isle? Here in the us, you’ll find the Asian isle, the Hispanic isle, the Curry isle etc depending on your neighborhood. Its encouraging us to shop there when there’s an isle just for us.
I’m gonna be pedantic for just a sec cause I want to share my visualization with you:
Isle - small island
Aisle - row of shelves typically housing objects like groceries or books, etc.
That caused me to think about a small archipelago that could fit in a neighborhood that consisted of different ethnic or national peoples hawking foods. Like large swimming pools with floating stands manned by someone yelling “get your Twinkies here! Twinkies!”
I’m crying.
Ah, when pedanticism leads not to unnecessary eye rolling or hostility but hilarious imagery. Today will be a good day.
Now I really like my grammatical correctness! Thanks stranger for enforcing the laws of the teachers union!
Ägg is not what I expected the Swedish word for egg to be.
its actually pronounced almost identically
Ä is the swedish way of writing ae: “aegg”. Basically identical to the english pronunciation, but the vowel is a little higher in the mouth.
Apparently the English pronunciation is actually adopted from the norse word, instead of the older “Ei” germanic etymology. If English hadn’t adopted the Norse pronunciation, it would be closer to “Ey”.
Why are eggs so expensive in Sweden, not even fancy organic free range eggs?
Is $3 for 15 eggs expensive? I pay $3.50 for a dozen in the Netherlands
The price is in Swedish kroner its about $3.20 for 15 eggs.
Actually that’s significantly cheaper than Norway rn. If it weren’t for the price of fuel I’d be going on a road trip.
Ok after converting from GBP its not quite as overpriced as I first thought on seeing it.
Organic outdoor eggs are about $0.50 an egg in Sweden near me. The eggs in the picture are free-range indoor and are less than $0.10 per egg.
I think everything is expensive in the Nordic countries
It’s weird, there is no reason for eggs to be expensive. Eggs are ultra cheap to manufacture. You can do that anywhere and just need some kind of food because they can eat a lot of different things. It doesn’t need precious metals or rare earth or patents or import raw materials - any country can just produce chickens and eggs easily.
So egg prices skyrocketing is either a fundamental dysfunction in a countries economy. Or maybe a political move to influence an election.
well, losing tens of millions of hens to bird flu is bound to make a dent in the supply side of the supply/demand balance.
Chickens do have vitamin, mineral, and macronutrient requirements to maintain health, produce eggs, and produce the next generation of healthy chicks. So it’s not just “anything” in that sense. Some areas couldn’t support sustained, particularly large-scale, flocks with only inputs from the local environment. That said, they’re not too finicky.
Secondarily, whole flocks, commerical and backyard, are being culled to attempt to contain avian influenza. One human recently died after getting it (they had a backyard flock and also other health problems).
Is that IKEA font?
3 for 15 isn’t bad
We are at $6 for 12 and that is for the cheap eggs
The idea of the post is that they aren’t expensive here. The past few weeks, seeing all the price of eggs in the US memes and then I see this at my local store. It’s right by the entrence and a weekly deal, it seems consciously done, haha. Like “those silly Americans, well show that we don’t have any egg problems here.”
The weirdness of it all is that in my area the organic freerange eggs are now the cheapest by far, their prices haven’t gone up, I assume they didn’t lose chickens to bird flu
Funny how if you don’t cram 10,000 chickens into tiny cages all stacked on top of one another…
Wow! Meanwhile in Sweden you can get chicken menstruations from tortured individuals for only a fraction of the price! Wow! So amazing!
Tortured Individuals? The eggs pictured are free range.
Those words mean nothing other than show how ignorant you are of their conditions, and the final moments of their drastically short existence.
i think chicken conditions are probably better in sweden that the vast majority of other countries, definitely including the US, so i’m not sure what your point is here.
Watch this and then tell me they are not tortured.
Dominion is a 2018 Australian documentary film filmed primarily with drones and hidden cameras inside Australian slaughterhouses and macro-farms with the aim to expose an opaque and inhumane system, according to the film’s writer, director, and producer, Chris Delforce, an animal rights activist.[1] The film documents multiple animal abuse industries in Australia, especially agricultural livestock, while focusing its message on animal rights.[2][3][4] Dominion portrays the killing of animals through methods such as using carbon dioxide to gas pigs, maceration of chicks, and skinning foxes alive.[5][3][6]
This may come as a shock to you, but Australia and Sweden are not only not the same place, they’re also on opposite sides of the planet.
I do feel the need to point out that the people posting the astronomical egg prices tend to live in the most expensive areas of the country, and don’t do themselves any favors in terms of their choice of local grocery store.
Eggs are $4 for 12 at Aldi. While that’s a little more than twice what they usually are, it isn’t really the biggest deal in the grand scheme of things for an individual consumer.
R$25, or ~4 dollars for 30 eggs in Brazil
You’re getting scammed bro; there is a store in my city that sell them 30 eggs for R$15 (2.58 USD on current quotation) and I live on the Ribeirão Preto region of São Paulo in a small city.
uai, eu moro no DF 🤷♂️
Yeah, the off brand is always cheaper
They get even cheaper than this as well - this is on sale at Hemköp for the non-organic brand. If you look at Lidl for the same category, the regular price is approximately the same. To get lower you’d have to buy the 24-pack. If you get it on sale, then you’re looking at basically the best price imaginable, probably somewhere below 2 SEK/egg.
non-organic brand
Mineral eggs, straight from caves.
Delicious! Though not quite as good as the meteorite eggs, straight from space.
If there’s anything I miss about reddit it’s that if you were looking for a place to post something like this you could just go to r/eggs or r/eggprices and it would typically work
Well? Go and make it!
And be the only one to post in it
Such is niche a subreddit’s fate.
/r/weirdeggs for pictures of odd shaped eggs. Very odd and specific subs
15? Wth is this? Insanity.
Eggs come in 6 or 12 packs. That’s it.
The other day I saw a place with a pack of 20 for the first time and had to recheck in what planet I was.
6-packs are available in the US, but it’s mostly 12 and 18-packs. There’s also the giant package, which must canonically be a “pallet” of eggs.
6 or 12? Wth is this? Insanity.
Eggs come in 10 packs. That’s it.
It’s the Swedish bakers dozen so you can eat 3 raw eggs + shells on the way home and still have a dozen eggs to put in the fridge. It takes three eggs to equal the calories found in a small donut which is why the bakers dozen eggs is 15 instead of 13.
In Singapore, chicken eggs come in packs of 6, 10, 12 (always labelled as having two bonus eggs: 10 + 2), 15, and 30. Duck eggs come in packs of 6. Quail eggs come in cans (NFI how many they include).
Come to Japan: 1,2,4,6, and 10 are the common ones (10 is most common at supermarkets). They have flats as well at some stores which I’m guessing are 30 but I don’t remember.
1 and 2? What is this, eggs for ants? 😂
In a place where people often eat raw egg, freshness is important. Also, tiny kitchens
In City Center Supermarket I can get 4 packs.
I think I’m more bothered by the fact that it’s 15 eggs rather than a dozen or 18. I’m used to seeing eggs in multiples of six. This is weirding me out.
I haven’t thought about that, haven’t bought eggs for almost a decade so I generally don’t look at them. I think it’s a brand thing now that I looked at different store sites, some are 6, 12 or 24, others are 10, 15 or 30.
Shrinkflation is brutal.
Metric eggs!!
Oh wow, their chickens don’t pop 6 at a time ehh.
Base-5 eggs
Based eggs.
This gave me a good laugh
They sell eggs in packages of 6, 10, 12 and 15 in Tesco here in the UK.
Only 15 confuses me. Why not make it an even number every time?
UK is a mess. Some things are measured in metric, some in imperial, and others are measured in stones and sticks and whatnot.
Why 10 and 12? Just pick one…
At least those are even numbers. 15 doesn’t even make sense to me from a packaging perspective. I would think a square 4x4 carton of 16 would be more efficient to pack in a truck than a 3x5 carton of 15.
Why? We generally get 3x6 or 4x6 cartons in my area, which aren’t too different from 3x5 dimension-wise. Longer cartons are better IMO since they make better use of fridge space. I would hate a 4x4 carton BTW.
Common sizes in Sweden are 6, 12, 15 and 24.
No idea how 15 made it in there, it is what it is.
some do 10 as well
Ah yeah, right you are
Boi, do I have an abomination for you
This seems inconvenient for retailers.
It takes up more space than the traditional cuboid
It wouldn’t if they’d make the sides flat. Hexagons pack nicely. Except the edges I guess.
Solution: hexagonal stores. Hexsgons are the bestagons.
Delivered in hexagonal truck, trains, and ships.
Bonus egg
Bonus bysphenols A-Z
Baker’s… half dozen?
I’m a weirdo that likes to make myself 4 eggs at a time. WHERE DO I GET THE LAST EGG??
Gotta buy 4 packs to even it out