A touque as well. You lose most of your heat through your head. It’s easy enough to take off and put in your pocket if you get too warm, then put back on if you feel like you’re getting cold.
Sadly not accurate, except about touques being sexy and convenient
If it helps, here is an article calling ur mom and the dude from Letterkenny dumb: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/body-heat-loss
Simpler to just model humans as nearly black bodies with known surface area and some heat lost through gas exchange.
Well, maybe my mom just told me that to make sure I wore a touque. ;)
I’m bald now, so it made sense.
Why is everyone in this thread Richard Byrd?
Most people I know wear t-shirts at home in winter and heat up the house to compensate, wasting energy. This meme is clearly aimed at them.
If you live in arctic conditions, then you probably already wear more than a shirt, even at home. If not, then feel adressed as well.
And to the many people who are currently raising their babies at home: Scandinavian practices be damned. I understand that it’s not too practical to regularly wrap up your baby so that they can withstand freezing conditions. Fine. Turn up the damn thermostat. You already have a screaming infant at your hands.
Everyone else: stfu.
im the ranging person during the summer with AC. my apartment gets super fucking hot during the summer and i need AC blasting 24/7
If you have south or west facing windows:
Metallized privacy films have made a big difference in my home. For heat protection, they should be the weather resistant kind and applied to the outside of the window. (They should be removable without leaving any residue)
If you want to try this method out first: Stick a few space blankets in front of the windows. Looks like shit, but it’s a cheap way to test whether this method might work for you.
I’ve never sweat through my eyes before.
-40° and a newborn say otherwise
You’re supposed to be the sweater on the newborn and not just yourself in this scenario
They’re going to need slightly more than a sweater.
Two sweaters?
Haha, but no this is a serious issue, kids died in Texas last winter because parents didn’t realize it could get cold enough to kill them inside their house.
… why is texas?
Because large parts of Texas aren’t used to being cold. They’re hot desert climates and while a 75 degree night after a 110 degree high feels cold, it won’t kill you. So when they got nights at 32 degrees and their electricity was out it was something of a shock.
-20 ºC winters have entered the chat
Build your house better
Igloo effect
Ah yes let me just unbuild my house like minecraft
Either you’re smart enough to realize that’s accurate or dumb enough to think it’s a point
K, filled my apartment’s living room with ice and snow, doesn’t seem to be helping. Did I miss a step?
Yes, understanding insulation
I doubt they could pass the Turing test.
Wearing a sweater still makes sense there. To spend less energy.
But in that case it’ll be more a matter of heat isolation. Though when such a low temperature exists on the outside consistently, air humidity drops and it sucks heat less. I think it works this way, but that’s pure intuition or something, my physics knowledge sucks definitely.
haven’t seen a shitpost hit a nerve this hard in a while, hahaha!
To a point, yeah. But when it’s -40 outside, heating to 18 or 21 doesn’t make much of a difference energy wise.
yeah unless you’re drying off the thermostat should never be above like 58 for heating. Layers fix everything else
People in this thread are hitting us with all sorts of whatabout stories with extreme conditions; and meanwhile I’m working in a office where people will come in and turn on the cooling because they just walked up some stairs, and then turn on the heating after they’ve sat down for a couple of minutes. No concept of self regulation. Just any hint of discomfort means the room has to change temperature.
It that context, the pushback in this thread is a bit depressing.
This is a great way to mess with the self appointments lords of the thermostat as they caw their favorite sayings like “Wear a sweater” and “turn the lights out when you leave the room”.
It’s the nuclear age grandpa. I’m cranking my thermo to 23. Take your shirt off if you’re warm.
No pants it is then.
“This meme was made by someone in a warm climate.”
I mean, I’m in Moscow and it’s barely below 0 degC.
But - yes.
You can’t put sweaters on pets
You need to have one room You can heat if needed to keep the pet in if it’s going to get cold
I mean, they have a built-in sweater. If they got really cold you’d see them cuddle up in a blanket, on a bed, or close to a person. Either way I bet you’d be more risking your pipes freezing than harming your pets.
You can’t put sweaters on pets
I know many retirees who disagree.
Zonal heating what what. My home office is the cat office during the day.
I’ve lived in my current place for over 10 years, and so don’t actually know if the heater works.
Then again, I live in Texas (and was away from home for the big freezes we had in 2021 and 2023), so it’s rarely an issue.
But air conditioning is a different story. I can only trove so much clothing, and without air conditioning my little trailer home gets to like 120 degrees in the summer.
Except for baby, kids, convalescente people, handicap people, eldery, and people with a very cold floor and wall that offset the overall room temperature.
This is just extrastrong ableism.I won’t go into detail because it’s personal and a bit gross, but adding on layers doesn’t always work for me due to a disability. I just become even more uncomfortable, and my extremities are still in pain…
I know that feeling. I have both the layers and heater. But I’m still cold everytime I’m not moving and whenever I move too much, I need to undress to move properly.
Just don’t be poor. I haven’t lowered my temp… Ever. If I can’t wear shorts in my own house, I’m not interested.