How about you spread information about everything the current administration does wrong to sway the public opinion. There is ton of material already and its been day 1. You jerking off to mass murder is working against your goals of a better society.
When we do that it gets hand-waved away as “TDS” or some equally trite nonsense.
I wish we’d gotten to see the rest of Lovecraft’s redemption arc.
He died so soon after beginning to realize and acknowledge that his views about the world had been abhorrent.
Edit to add:
If anyone’s curious to read an example of the beginnings of his realization, check out this letter, written about a month before his death:
It’s a fairly long letter, but the whole thing is interesting. He seems to have been radicalized and was becoming quite critical of capitalism, if not a full blown Marxist. You’ll find the following quote in the last paragraph:
There’s more evidence in there than just that passage, but this is already becoming a wall of text!