Maybe don’t waste your money on organic food.
Just 2 more payments, gentlemen, and this beautiful 12-slot luxury egg carton is all mine!
Them eggs is spensive cuz they real good ones. I gottem and gonna eatum with my limited edition cheese and laugh at the poors!
Limited edition cheese - grated, plated and curated!
In Canada a 30 pack of eggs is $10 CAD, which is just shy of $7 USD.
Must be all that fentanyl making the chicken make more eggs /s
Stop eating eggs. It’s literally animal period if that helps you
I was with you in the first sentence. Then you just made me hungry.
why couldn’t you have made literally any other argument against eating eggs? you could have brought up the conditions in chicken farms instead of this pointless appeal to whatever you were trying to appeal to
you did not even write anything to support beeing vegan in the commetns. Thats kinda more sad than what I did ngl. But we both know who the enemy is. Those dead body eaters.
Bro, I am not vegan because it is disgusting. Which is why, I wrote if this helps… because for many people it does not matter how the animals are treated. There are an infinity of good amounts for going vegan.
I have chickens People refuse to pay $5 a dozen for our pasture eggs. Even though that’s cheaper than any other eggs in the area. I’m also sitting on a dozen goose eggs. Hey goose egg is three times the size of a chicken egg. They want to pay less than three times the cost of a chicken egg, even though geese only lay during the spring and only lay every other day.
Here in southern california the only eggs I have even seen on shelves are my usual small farmers market eggs, which are now the same price or cheaper than the grocery store. It has been astounding me that the better and now cheaper option is the one not sold out. Humans really are just psychology multiplied.
I wish I knew how to find farmers selling eggs like you. $5 for a dozen is a steal. Do you wash them? Or go European style?
Ikr my husband and I pass a house that sells their fresh eggs for $3 a dz when we visit his parents. I always stop and buy two!
They want to pay less than three times the cost of a chicken egg, even though geese only lay during the spring and only lay every other day.
That’s not how markets work though…
If they wanted to go buy a commercial goose egg that’s how it works. Geese eggs are rare. They take a lot of investment in time to produce. If you can’t recoup the costs then you can’t sell as selling requires time and time is money if you believe that labor should be compensated.
No, that’s not how it works. You’ve provided a chart that shows average prices for a specific point in time. That’s it. They are constantly fluctuating, and the price is based on supply and demand.
You don’t get to charge 3x for an egg just because it’s 3x the size. I mean, you can try, but people will not buy it unless that’s the equilibrium price. There is no rule stating that price must increase by the same amount as the size of the thing. That’s silly.
A thing is worth what people are willing to pay for it. Goose eggs simply aren’t as popular as chicken eggs, therefore the demand is lower. Assuming supply remains stable, that means price goes down.
How many years have you worked in the egg business?
Buddy, this is econ 100. This applies to nearly every business.
If you look at the chart there, the equilibrium price is where the supply line and the demand line cross. Assuming supply remains the same, if demand decreases, the equilibrium price will decrease.
If supply increases, and demand decreases, price goes way down.
Wiki probably explains it better.
Yeah, I took econ too. I’m just asking if you have any egg-bird specific experience. If you know about the details of dealing with each kind of bird and the complications that come with the different types. Anyone can econsplain. But do you have industry specific knowledge? Are you successful in this industry? Do you have actionable information that leads to success? Or if are you just repeating highschool level generalities.
There is this idea out there that people shouldn’t take unsolicited advice, especially from people that don’t have any experience in what you are trying to do. So I’m asking the questions to see if you are offering anything of value or are just repeating things without providing that value.
there are ways other than capitalism to support people who do stuff, but im guessing most of these people wouldn’t support you in those ways either, and it’s just a hierarchy issue.
Do the eggs just go to waste then or do you need to eat a lot of extra eggs if you can’t sell them for $5/dozen?
Wouldn’t it make sense to lower the price to what people will pay even if it doesn’t cover the cost of the chickens, but at least reduce the cost of the chickens? If it’s not your main source of income and you have the chickens either way wouldn’t some money be better than no money?
Eggs go to waste. There is no way we can eat them as fast as they come. It’s not really even a factor of price. We could list them as free and even though the stores are sold out we’d still not get rid of them. Selling eggs is similar to the worst parts of Facebook marketplace. People say they will come and don’t. They show up and the eggs aren’t good enough because you don’t feed them the same exact feed they would if they had chickens. They can only buy if there are at least five dozen available. The eggs aren’t white, or blue, or green, or whatever their kink is.
Egg buyers are the most picky people on earth. We did get lucky last year with one couple that would always take whatever we had. But we don’t actually set a price. We live in poverty. We let anyone that shows up pay whatever they want. These people covered our feed costs but that was about it.
You should set up a company website, an Instagram account, and make a Tiktok video, and label the eggs as Anti-Trump Eggs or Eggs for the People and by the People. Then decorate them with rainbow colours as support for human rights and civil rights.
Keep sitting on those goose eggs, when they hatch and you attack with your goose army they’ll all be sorry.
It takes a full year to hatch them and then wait for them to become soldiers since they are only aggressive in the spring. Ain’tnobodygottimeforthat-meme.gif
If me neighbor had eggs like that I would buy it as often as they would let me.
In the USA? That’s interesting. Any idea why they refuse to pay more (but still less)?
Most people are clueless about the actual costs of eggs. In my area I’m pretty sure most of them think eggs are mass produced in a factory even though cows outnumber people on an average block and they should know how eggs are made but they are too busy avoiding education at every opportunity because that is the will of Daddy Leader. I’m only half joking.
This is because people assume that you should do it out of the goodness of your heart. Since you’re not mass producing.
Which is absurd.
If anything they should be willing to pay you a premium for a high quality product produced in far better conditions.
no but see it’s about hierarchy. the factory farm is bigger than me, and so I must serve it and obey on its terms. the local farm is just a person. I bet I could take them in a fight. therefore they should serve me and all interactions should be on my terms.
Well, I guess you’re all satisfied, it seems to be guaranteed /s
Subscription payment on eggs is wild! lol
Even worse, it’s buy now pay later.
Just watched a video a month ago about how Gen Z is doomed to own nothing when we die, and how so many of us are in crazy debt already because of buy now pay later services. So thankful me and my sister are borderline allergic to spending money and that I just hate shopping for clothes because that shit was depressing to hear.
Apparently my gen fell into this debt whole because we think they’re not the “scary & bad” loans that our 2008 financial crisis parents had, these are “different” somehow 😬
Oh my gosh, this planet is the bad place. Are we in hell and did we all die in Dec 21 2012?
Bringing up the chicken shit of people amongst an avian fowl epidemic… sounds red enough.
But considering OP I’m not surprised this whole post isn’t dedicated to making Biden look bad. Even after the election. Their point is for you to hate everyone regardless…
Are you OK right now? Are you safe from yourself?
Just sick of morons boiling everything down to the price of eggs
Given your post history, I feel bad for this woman.
Yea you’re all good. You’re doing the Lord’s work pushing BS about eggs of all things.
Eggs are expensive because of reasons but this politicalization is fine and your post is completely neutral… by all means post pics of people while ruining discourse.
It’s a memes channel. It’s not that serious.
Just a joke bro. Doesn’t matter how stupid it was… so my words are just a meme… nothing matters. Just a joke bro…
Quick Q: why spend your time on such nonsense if it’s “just a meme”?
Sure you can reply to write it off but really why are you doing this in the first place?
Doing what? Posting memes? Commenting on Lemmy?
I used to buy these after recent price hikes. To be fair, these were always three times the price than regular eggs.
Yeah, but they were $8.99 before the shenanigans started.
Random tip: Kala Namak is a condiment which tastes a lot like egg yolk. If you sprinkle it onto some cooked white beans, that’s kind of like scrambled eggs (well, it is different, but also good and might satiate a craving).
Basically, Kala Namak is salt+sulphur. Egg yolk also contains sulphur, and well, sulphur is one of the minerals we should be eating anyways.
Kala Namak
That’s black salt! I like to use it in cooking sometimes, it’s a little like MSG. I’d never sprinkle it on something that’s already on a plate though.
It also doesn’t have any protein to speak of.
That said, it’s perfectly possible to eat tasty, healthy & balanced without eggs.
Kala namak and processed egg whites from a bottle. We’re heading towards a dystopian future
This is some dystopian shit right here
Chaat masala is delicious and this is one of the main ingredients, along with green mango powder (amchoor). The smell is a bit surprising at first but it’s good.
Oh I’m not knocking it, I’m sure it’s good. But substituting beans for eggs because eggs are too fuckin expensive is has some real Soylent green vibes
soylent beans
Tofu scramble is another good alternative, albeit also not exactly the same. This recipe looks like a decent starting point:
I also really like adding vegetables to my scramble, that’ll make it even less like eggs though.
pretty funny that here in Australia, you can get a dozen for around $2 or 3 aud, and even then our major supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, are getting probed for price gouging, AND we are apparently going though a shortage due to bird flu.
The only issue is that the US has an avian flu that causes them to cull lots of birds and also drives up the costs.
If the country had a significant amount of voting citizens that cared, it would be able to deal with this sort of issue in stride…
Here we are…
Building a small den to hold 2 to 4 chickens is cheaper in the long run.
For the city: Renting a parking spot and turning an old junker into a chicken den is also probably cheaper. Just make sure to secure it against egg thiefs.
Your time is valuable too. You should be factoring in the amount of additional work required to upkeep.
Is it? Speaking from experience? I’ve heard it both ways and trying to get a better idea of how it works out financially.
Just to make it clear, the second part was a joke.
About the other, relatives actually got 6 chickens. The main investment is time and land, and occasionally a trip to the vet. Given the US prices… if you eat eggs regularly and don’t want to miss it then I’d assume it’s cheaper, would have to ask for a details myself though (they jokingly said once they would save a ton in the US right now). It heavily depends on outside factors though (less land, dangers = more expensive).
Depends what land you have, if you are more reliant on feed then you will be at the mercy of feed prices which can vary. If you have enough secured land then it can be practically free. Also Coyotes are assholes.
Not eating eggs is cheapest.
Yes those chickens will surely thrive in their den inside my den…
Actually they’d probably do a lot better than the chickens in the industrial farms.
why are eggs so atrociously expensive in the US? where i live they’re the equivalent of 3$ USD for a dozen
The eggs in the picture are like the modt expensive eggs you can buy. A dozen of the cheapest eggs are around $5-6. Which is still like 3-4 times as expensive as they were a few years ago, but not nearly as insane as what is posted.
Because egg producers are using the hype of bird flu to increase profit margins at the expense of their customers.
Grocery stores are following suit by spreading signs about bird flu and increasing their prices as well.
There’s also just a lot of actual bird flu due to awful conditions
Yeah it’s not just made up by big business, it’s the same as when COVID hit.
"Oh, our product is going to be 20% more expensive due to supply chain disruptions… Might as well raise the price by 50% and pocket the rest while blaming it all on the supply chain.
Customers will be mad it’s going up by 20% so they won’t be any more mad if it goes up by 50% instead."
Just poke tiny holes in them, blow out the contents and return them for a refund.
Just syphon other people’s eggs contents using a long straw whenever they are distracted.
Thanks Wile