Bread mold is not one universal thing, while certain molds may be more common, without doing involved identification you will not be able to determine the species and therefore safety of bread mold. Even if the majority of the time it is a safe species, you should not be knowingly risking it.
I’ve heard of people eating bread that had mold on it but not knowing it because the only visible mold was on the other side of the loaf, they had eaten it for a few days and had the shits
…is bread mold harmful to eat?
It’s as harmful as picking up a random bug and eating it.
Which means: you might die. Or you might not.
Trusting the internet to give you the answer here as the final defacto answer… Maybe not the best.
Bread mold is not one universal thing, while certain molds may be more common, without doing involved identification you will not be able to determine the species and therefore safety of bread mold. Even if the majority of the time it is a safe species, you should not be knowingly risking it.
Depends on the species of mold, but enough of them are toxic that the general advice is to avoid all moldy bread.
SEB is a 32 year old woman, presenting to the emergency room…
Listen: I’ve never gotten sick from eating slightly moldy bread. Ever.
Scallions, however, sent me to the emergency room shitting blood (turns out it was an allergy or intolerance or some nonsense).
I ain’t one of those “Taco Bell gives me explosive diarrhea” nerds. That’s weak. 😤
Fuck, I remember Gumby. What happened to that guy?
Apparently, it’s being rebooted as a cartoon.
Not even a 3d one? People have already mimicked stop motion in cgi.
No. Just, why? Gumby’s whole thing is that he’s made of clay.
I dunno. I miss him, though… and his pony pal Pokey, too.
Maybe the blockheads finally got him.
For a costume event, I got a Gumby outfit and put a gladiator shirt over it. I don’t think anybody got it.
If you keep eating it, you’ll have to change your name to ShartEatingBreakfast
Does it make your guts rumble, fr??
I’ve heard of people eating bread that had mold on it but not knowing it because the only visible mold was on the other side of the loaf, they had eaten it for a few days and had the shits