If the drugs were unnecessary then they wouldn’t exist, people have always had chronic problems that can’t be solved, but its better than doing nothing and suffering because of it.
Yeah it’s just the common people pretend medication side effects don’t exist, until they do, when they suddenly act surprised and angry that no one told them that drugs had side effects, except they did, but people just throw the paper that should have done that straight into the trash.
I nearly suffocated thanks to the wrong cough medication, because my mother forced me to take it as she was OK with the same one on a dry cough. But she talks long hours about how psychiatric medications are evil (they’re not, doctors just sometimes neglectiveand shrug off side effects they shouldn’t, and big pharma spends more on ads than on researching better meds).
We’re all messed up because we’ve built a society that isolates and exploits us while rewarding psychotic behavior via corporations or people acting selfishly without regard for others
funnily enough I am not an aNtiVaXXeR. crazy how when one even mentions to think about what is being out into your body I am an idiot crazy stupid all of the above. like I said no skin off my back of you all want to stay ignorant and take every piece of info at face value cuz corpos and politicians are immune to telling lies right . I also know what I am afraid of not just spouting shit like you and posting screenshots with no real convo just a mEMe to try to own a rando
I’m unhinged? You’re the one complaining that there was no “real convo” and now you get all upset and aggressive when I ask a simple follow-up question to your statement. I thought you “knew what you are afraid of” but here you are immediately trying to deflect.
Are you afraid of direct answers and making clear statements?
It’s almost like identifying and treating mental illnesses has gotten better over time, and we don’t just throw people in mental asylums away from public eye
Right on! Also, before they started dissecting dead bodies to find the cause of death in, like, the 16th century, nobody had cancer. We should put a stop to both autopsies and psychiatry! End cancer and mental illness now!
You are not considering the explosion of big pharma. Now there are drugs for everything. Now there is a drug to take because the other drug/s you are taking is having a bad reaction. It’s all about selling much, not all, unnecessary drugs.
Probably not going to change your mind, but possibly the mind of someone reading this who’s on the fence.
On the one hand, yes, for-profit healthcare can be incentived to come up with unnecessary treatments, or with over prescribing medications that have their time and place. That’s how the opium epidemic came to be, and that’s why ozempic is trendy among those who don’t really need it.
On the other hand, healthcare isn’t for-profit everywhere in the world, and neither is research. Especially the latter is often publicly funded. With publicly funded services, the most efficient way to go about health care is to only do necessary treatments and to try and get people off treatment once they don’t need it anymore.
Yes, we have more medications now than ever before. But that’s because research is progressive. We’re learning more and more about illnesses and how to best treat or even cure them. That’s why life expectancy is on the rise pretty much everywhere where the general public has access to shelter, food, and affordable healthcare.
The fact that research is progressive is also why you’re seeing more illnesses, especially mental ones, pop up. Some decades ago, we simply didn’t have diagnostic criteria for mental illnesses that we do now. So, for example, autism just wasn’t called autism. Autistic people were just described as odd, crazy, rude, unsociable, lazy etc. For that reason, it makes sense to see a correlation between the number of illnesses and the number of medications, but that doesn’t mean the meds are causing the illnesses. If anything, it’s the other way around: recognizing more illnesses makes for the need for more medications.
Every medication was created for a purpose and has years and years of science and studies behind it. If we just prescribed random shit that doesn’t help, why would we bother with that?
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no over prescribing going on and that there’s no, for lack of a better term, evil plots by big pharma. The opium epidemic was willingly created by pharmaceutical companies for the sake of profit. That doesn’t mean that morphine etc. where just developed for that evil plot. It’s a legit necessary painkiller in many cases.
So to sum up: the meds are all necessary, even if they’re sometimes over prescribed for profit in some places.
For me if I have a headache I don’t take a drug for it because its unessential to make the headache go away. If I have a bad reaction to a drug I read the leaflet to see what I should do. Big pharma being a thing is because people pay good money and being a publicly traded company is the fastest way to grow and scale. But doing that causes the business to lose autonomy over their decision making, which is what leads to the scenes in America were people pay £1000 for insulin despite it being cheap to make. And alot of that money goes into research and development of new drugs for illnesses and diseases that people suffer from along side the people who have hundreds of thousands in the stock market who enrich themselves from the profits.
Funny thing is that before all these unnecessary drugs it seemed that there were many fewer people who were nuts
If the drugs were unnecessary then they wouldn’t exist, people have always had chronic problems that can’t be solved, but its better than doing nothing and suffering because of it.
Yeah it’s just the common people pretend medication side effects don’t exist, until they do, when they suddenly act surprised and angry that no one told them that drugs had side effects, except they did, but people just throw the paper that should have done that straight into the trash.
I nearly suffocated thanks to the wrong cough medication, because my mother forced me to take it as she was OK with the same one on a dry cough. But she talks long hours about how psychiatric medications are evil (they’re not, doctors just sometimes neglectiveand shrug off side effects they shouldn’t, and big pharma spends more on ads than on researching better meds).
Just more severe alcoholism and more domestic abuse. You have no fucking idea what you’re saying. Get your head out your ass.
these chemical concoctions are introduced to our system as early as right after birth. no wonder we are all messed up
We’re all messed up because we’ve built a society that isolates and exploits us while rewarding psychotic behavior via corporations or people acting selfishly without regard for others
we’ve been put into a perpetual state of ignorance, confusion, depression and despair. but yes let’s please bash on each other for pointing facts out
funnily enough I am not an aNtiVaXXeR. crazy how when one even mentions to think about what is being out into your body I am an idiot crazy stupid all of the above. like I said no skin off my back of you all want to stay ignorant and take every piece of info at face value cuz corpos and politicians are immune to telling lies right . I also know what I am afraid of not just spouting shit like you and posting screenshots with no real convo just a mEMe to try to own a rando
Okay, what specific chemicals are you afraid of?
you’re unhinged. please seek immediate mental help
I’m unhinged? You’re the one complaining that there was no “real convo” and now you get all upset and aggressive when I ask a simple follow-up question to your statement. I thought you “knew what you are afraid of” but here you are immediately trying to deflect.
Are you afraid of direct answers and making clear statements?
I’m not deflecting anything you are an unhinged loser. I hope you get the help you need peace out
What have I done that’s “unhinged”? Asked you a simple question?
This is an “every accusation is a confession” situation isn’t it?
Everything is a chemical concotion dipshit. Even you.
this is the most braindead comment I’ve ever read holy shit I can’t stop thinking about it like wow
right so that makes heroin null and void got it
Where are they giving babies heroin?
It’s almost like identifying and treating mental illnesses has gotten better over time, and we don’t just throw people in mental asylums away from public eye
And your credentials are… ?
And your source is… ?
Found the maga
How’s it feel to be called out on your bullshit lol
They may not be for everyone but they help many.
It was certainly easier to keep your head lodged up your ass and ignore everything that might cause an inconvenience
No. They were just drunks at the local bar, drinking themselves into an early grave. Or they joined the military to commit war crimes.
Right on! Also, before they started dissecting dead bodies to find the cause of death in, like, the 16th century, nobody had cancer. We should put a stop to both autopsies and psychiatry! End cancer and mental illness now!
You are not considering the explosion of big pharma. Now there are drugs for everything. Now there is a drug to take because the other drug/s you are taking is having a bad reaction. It’s all about selling much, not all, unnecessary drugs.
Probably not going to change your mind, but possibly the mind of someone reading this who’s on the fence.
On the one hand, yes, for-profit healthcare can be incentived to come up with unnecessary treatments, or with over prescribing medications that have their time and place. That’s how the opium epidemic came to be, and that’s why ozempic is trendy among those who don’t really need it.
On the other hand, healthcare isn’t for-profit everywhere in the world, and neither is research. Especially the latter is often publicly funded. With publicly funded services, the most efficient way to go about health care is to only do necessary treatments and to try and get people off treatment once they don’t need it anymore.
Yes, we have more medications now than ever before. But that’s because research is progressive. We’re learning more and more about illnesses and how to best treat or even cure them. That’s why life expectancy is on the rise pretty much everywhere where the general public has access to shelter, food, and affordable healthcare.
The fact that research is progressive is also why you’re seeing more illnesses, especially mental ones, pop up. Some decades ago, we simply didn’t have diagnostic criteria for mental illnesses that we do now. So, for example, autism just wasn’t called autism. Autistic people were just described as odd, crazy, rude, unsociable, lazy etc. For that reason, it makes sense to see a correlation between the number of illnesses and the number of medications, but that doesn’t mean the meds are causing the illnesses. If anything, it’s the other way around: recognizing more illnesses makes for the need for more medications.
Every medication was created for a purpose and has years and years of science and studies behind it. If we just prescribed random shit that doesn’t help, why would we bother with that?
However, that doesn’t mean there’s no over prescribing going on and that there’s no, for lack of a better term, evil plots by big pharma. The opium epidemic was willingly created by pharmaceutical companies for the sake of profit. That doesn’t mean that morphine etc. where just developed for that evil plot. It’s a legit necessary painkiller in many cases.
So to sum up: the meds are all necessary, even if they’re sometimes over prescribed for profit in some places.
For me if I have a headache I don’t take a drug for it because its unessential to make the headache go away. If I have a bad reaction to a drug I read the leaflet to see what I should do. Big pharma being a thing is because people pay good money and being a publicly traded company is the fastest way to grow and scale. But doing that causes the business to lose autonomy over their decision making, which is what leads to the scenes in America were people pay £1000 for insulin despite it being cheap to make. And alot of that money goes into research and development of new drugs for illnesses and diseases that people suffer from along side the people who have hundreds of thousands in the stock market who enrich themselves from the profits.