As a baby I was born with a pituitary issue which meant my hands and feet were abnormally small. They never grew that large at all. I can run and walk fine and they’re not deformed or anything, just tiny. I might have some weird world record for smallest hands and feet on a fully grown adult!
Are there any unexpected advantages you’ve noticed?
One of the hardest things about my job is getting my big hands into small spaces to put a nut on a bolt, etc. He’d probably be a great mechanic.
With his feet?
He mentioned he has small hands as well.
In some dark corner of the internet, there is someone willing to pay a LOT of money for videos of you doing weird shit with your feet.
Which dark corner tho?
Not that dark at all. Its called OnlyFans. Although I am sure more “specific” communities more devoted to feet could yield better income. Where those are? No idea. I can barely stand the sight of my own feet without socks.
I can barely stand the sight of my own feet without socks.
Color me intrigued.
I don’t like feet. Not all that interesting really. Just a personal quirk.
I bet he can also walk stilts easily
You should snowboard! I’ve got size 12 and I’m always getting toe and heel drag when I carve too deep. But you would never need to worry about that. Fucking super power.
Yeah for sure. I wanted to go snowboarding once but the rental place only went down to a kid’s size 4 which was too big for me (I’m really a size 2 without orthotics). So if I could find boots that fit, I’d be up for it!
Do you work at Dunder Mifflin ? Or is this standard office decor in America ?
It always bummed me out that the larger size sneakers were usually ugly compared to the smaller display models. Consider yourself lucky there.
I showed this to my fiance; she’s 5’ and has the same exact shoe size.
Haha nice! Small feet united.
Do you have issues with balance or rapid change of direction?
Petite feet, feminine step! Sounds just like a lady when he walks into the room!
u single?
We need more pics of your feet and had next to other people’s ones… or bananas for scale.
Here’s a photo of my foot next to my friend’s size 11 foot…
Jokes on you, the Internet has your feet now!
This actually gave me a much better perspective, cause I couldn’t really tell from the original photo. And holy crow, that’s kinda wild! I would absolutely be wearing the coolest kids shoes
Does it cause you any issues with gait/balance? Or anything else most people wouldn’t think about?
Not as many issues as you might think. Of course, I have a smaller foot surface area to work with so not as steady on my toes but I have strong foot and calf muscles to compensate I think and keep me relatively stable. I can run fine but kid’s shoes are not designed for a 6’1" 170 lb man to be running in them so I go through shoes like crazy. Mostly it’s just social issues - my feet and hands are quite noticeably small so I get comments from strangers a lot. But I just try to laugh it off and be good humored about it.
Are you a carnie? (small hands)
You know what they say about guys with tiny feet…
They have a helluva time finding shoes that fit right.
A friend of mine has trouble with that. Women’s shoes are usually the right length, but they are skinner than men’s shoes
Indeed. Have to buy online. Shoe stores are too awkward.
Upside: the variety of light up shoes you can buy must be much higher than the average adult!
And superhero themed Velcro sandals!
And a lot of converse chuck taylor styles like the dinosaur ones, lol.
As someone with moderately long but exceptionally wide feet, having tiny feet seems like it’d be much easier to find shoes that fit…
Do EE shoes work for you? A couple of work shoe/boot outlets by me are always full of those sizes.
I’m US11 and have super narrow feet, and have a hard time finding shoes that don’t wobble around on me at those stores.
4E, lol
It’s rare that even a website will have the size/length combination I need, let alone a store! Haha
New Balance has 4E and I struck gold with too.
Thank you for recommending New Balance. I’d been mostly stuck with Underarmour running shoes. I don’t know how much I can benefit from though as I live in Canada.
I can at least find brands that offer 4E though. Thank you!
Has to be…
I must have stolen your hand and foot growth. I’m 5’3 (160 cm) and wear a women’s size 12 (euro 42).
I must have got some of it as well.
1.67cm and wear a men’s size 43 shoes.
Haha bro. Give my feet back.
Come and get em twinkle toes 😉
Lucky bastard, kids shoes are tax free!
I know this cos my wife has got 34 feet too and is delighted every time she finds a bargain
Haha yes the lower price on shoes is certainly a perk!
You guys really deserve that tax break given how expensive it must be to buy all 34 shoes for your wife.
Even at just five bucks a shoe, that’s $170 every time you go shoe shopping. Brutal. OP’s wife must be 4.25 octopuses.
Octopuses wouldn’t wear shoes so the math doesn’t add up.
Now spiders—spiders would wear some stylish kicks you know, not just any $5 shoe.
Fucksake you two, octopii wear wellies