So is crab and molluscs
What flavor is the cake?
蛯 (Japanese “Ebi”) = prawn. 蛯 (Simple Chinese “Lao”) = cricket.
Then why don’t they call it bug fried rice? Checkmate Atheists
Are shrimps bugs, though?
Depends on the definition of bug. Entemological true bugs are a very specific class of insects, but the term bug was used to describe any arthropod for significantly longer than proper taxonomy has been around.
So if you’re a biologist, no, if you’re an anthropologist, yes.
Someone covered in brine shrimp would be more likely to feel covered in bugs than covered in marine crustaceans though.
I’d like to subscribe to more covered in sea creatures facts.
Giant isopods have been filmed swarming sharks to impede their movement and gill function when the local detritus is lacking nutrients.
Hell there’s a video of them killing small sharks. Terrifying little bugs.
Entomological etymology.
Tyler’s new album title
Lobsters are commonly referred to as bugs as well.
There is no scientific definition of “bug”, but the folk definition seems to be any invertebrate, typically with more than four limbs.
The order Hemiptera would like a word with you.
Tbh this is why I don’t like eating lobster or crab. I just can’t get over the fact that they look like giant sea beetles and it grosses me out. So many people love them but I just can’t do it.
Shrimp as well. It’s weird and for me the flavor isn’t good enough to justify eating weird crunchy sea bugs
Crunchy? You aren’t supposed to eat the shell
Moist crunch, not hard crunch. Like grapes I guess. It’s gross.
Very similar to cock roaches. At least taste wise.
And they’re fucking delicious.
Fun fact I like to share with everyone who enjoys shrimp. Up until the 90s they were very difficult to breed in captivity. They just wouldn’t reproduce.
Until someone figured out that it you cut out one of their eyes, they will readily breed. Nobody really knows why, but they snip off one of the eye stalks on the females to get them to breed.
There is an indoor shrimp farm in Indiana. Really. They also claim they farm sustainably.
Downside: they don’t shell them or cut any bits off or anything. That’s your job.
Any bits but the eyes, apparently.
That’s fucked.
The fear of death does tend to make creatures want to reproduce.
It is fucked though.
That’s not it actually. Current theory is it has something to do with the overall decreased sensation of sunlight indicating it’s mating season or something. They won’t develop mature ovaries with both eyes.
There’s also hormones they think are removed when the stalk is removed.
But really, no animal likes being injured. And they have no idea what else is going to get cut off.
If some other thing that’s observing humans cuts the dominant arm off a man without any access to females, they’re going to suggest doing that limits how much they want to masturbate.
When in reality they just can’t masturbate anymore.
Clearly the subject of the study is unfamiliar with “the stranger”
Fucked up man. Glad I became vegan
Holy Jebus
Oh…geeze. This read like a note found in a Resident Evil game…
Wait until you hear what they do to pigs
I’ll bite… what do they do to pigs?
how did they discover that? who’s just going around cutting random parts of swimmy guys??
According to where I learned it, in high enough densities in concrete tanks, some shrimp would grind their own eyestalks off on the side of the tank. Some farmer put two and two together.
Jeebus christ. That’s… horrible
Maybe some bad bitch shrimp got in a knife fight with a lobster, lost her eye and just went ham
SLPT: Poke out your girl’s eyeball to get some guaranteed hard lovin.
Fun fact
Not fun at all
Delicious bugs.
ever eaten anything with red in it? (like the icing decorations on the pictured cake)
Chocolate milk uses red algae as a stabilizer
Also, ever eaten a shiny candy? Chances are is coated in confectioners glaze, which is a fancy word for shellac, which is an insect excretion.
That’s pretty interesting.
You never think about, but most of everything is dyed. And that dye has to come from somewhere.
Shrimps be bugs
They juicy bugs though, not as juicy as lobsters though