Zuck is married?!
For over 10 years at least
His wife has a facility whose staff comes out and yells at you if you park in front. On a normal st with street parking.
Somehow this is less surprising than him being married in the first place.
Terrible people marrying terrible people. Got it.
Divorce and/or testosterone supplementation roting brains
Hah! Imagine all these unregulated supplements causing neurotoxicity, later to be worsened by Trump defunding the FDA.
The FDA is too strong of a brand, they won’t defund or eliminate, they’ll just replace entire staff with sycophants and lower standards so that all kinds of snake oil (that administration has a “taste” of) becomes “FDA Approved” so the AI can sell it to incels on twitter and facebook. And ultimately when editing is “FDA APPROVED” then NOTHING is FDA Approved. The next 4 - 20 years are going to continue to be a push to break confidence in American institutions, to make America a weaker and weaker player (and a bigger joke) on the international stage. All so that they have less influence in world affairs (I.e. Ukraine, Israel, etc).
Most companies just need more ppl that actually work rather than doing politics and profiting off of the 30% working personnel.
nah, they just need to fire some useless managers and reroute the pay to the workers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTdOHBIppx8
I cannot think of a bigger cuck move than bending over to court bad faith actors and suckling at king maga’s sweaty little man nipples for $$
You’re on a website where people come out of the woodwork to defend “ethical polyamory” and the biggest cuck you can think of is a CEO trying to curry political favor with the current US president?
…, Being poly doesn’t make you a cuck
I hate everything about this comment, but you’re not wrong.
When I think of masculine energy I sure as hell don’t think of Marky Z.
That over sized black T and gold chain is so absurd. Maybe I don’t follow enough influencers, but when did alt right culture appropriate last decade’s hip hop style?
He seems like the type that ever since he was a kid would full on cry and make everything miserable for everyone until they just gave him his way to shut him up.
Yeah, a tom of Finland character he certainly is not. Like he’s definitely masculine, but more masculine [pejorative] in the vein of a man having a midlife crisis and deciding to get into a sad pantomime of youthful masculinity. He definitely doesn’t seem the type to do hard labor to provide for his loved ones or to spend his evenings in a shed tinkering on his projects. His masculinity is not the presence of the traits our society positively associates with men and masculinity or of those that those who are attracted to masculinity find attractive or endearing, but merely a starker absence of the positive traits associated with femininity or neutrality and an absence of the negative traits of femininity.
Love the Tom of Finland reference I bet it went over most peoples heads
Thanks, I’m a woman who has friends who are leather men so whenever I see these guys going on and on about masculine energy my mind initially goes to leather men. Because the reality is these guys don’t want masculinity for its own sake, that’s leather men, or whatever nick Offerman is doing or wherever else you see people who are masculine because they like it. These men see masculinity as a vehicle for power and staving off their fears of aging. They clearly fear that they’re insufficiently masculine and rather than asking themselves what the root cause of that insecurity is and trying to be the person they genuinely want to be (which may very well mean they take testosterone supplements and get into martial arts) they’re just going to act like a 14 year old who thinks that going full silverback will get him laid, respected, and happiness.
I recently finished the fifth book of the stormlight archive and I really respected the way it dealt with toxic vs healthy masculinity and so that’s actually something that’s just been on my mind a lot lately.
So yeah I guess I’m just not impressed by this performative Rogan style masculinity, if you want to show me how manly you are act like someone with a secure and healthy relationship with his masculinity because as a grown ass adult this Zuckerberg bs is fucking sad
Steering the helm of a massive advertising company that misleads and manipulates users does not seem masculine to me.
EDIT: In the stereotypical “hyper-masculine” sense.
Ahh yes big rat-penis energy from dead mark 💀 🐀
Mark and his rat penis transplant might have other pressing things to think about.
Probably, but he’s assuredly been cucked for years.
What is this esoteric talk about “energy”?
Last I checked most of the biggest corpos are still run by men from the last generations, with current generations still waiting around for them to die off and take their places. So the only thing Zuckerberg could be talking about is the soulless DEI tokenism corpos do to get public brownie points.
Every time I think Zuck is as pathetic as someone can be, he finds a new depth to sink to. Truly an innovator
The gender identity of your work places energy is not the damn problem. Raise the damn pay. People will work in a sewer if you paid enough.
I think meta pays pretty well
People working in a sewer should be paid the most.
This kind of thing is an interesting topic. Obviously Zuck is a shit bag but that’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m not one to say that men are being repressed or that masculinity is under attack, although I do think elements of both of those things are true if the statements are interpreted in a generous fashion. I’ve found that people will accept the general statement that men have problems but talking about men’s issues in any detail is usually met with scorn. You can say “men have problems like everybody else” and that’s generally tolerated but if you say “X Y or Z is a problem for men” then all of a sudden you’re misogynistic or otherwise associating yourself with team white male privilege. I see this happen essentially every time the topic comes up. The vibe seems to be “we’re dealing with everyone else’s problems so we don’t have time to listen to your complaints”.
People like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate have made a career out of listening to those problems. They offer shitty solutions and horrible explanations but they’re paying attention and in return they get views from people who don’t feel like anyone else is. There are a lot of guys out there doing their best to be good people who need to feel like their problems matter to society. You don’t have to abandon the things that are important to you to listen to them. Just commiserate a bit and a lot of them will be happy to listen to your problems in return. That’s how empathy is supposed to work.
I like the thought of masculine and feminine energies wafting around like medieval miasmas.
This guy is smart.
Up next: the return of the humoral theory of medicine!
All these feminine airs have my cholera up. I’m going to go poison myself and barf a lot.
Make sure to avoid mustard!
This is what happens when you vilify men. 41% of young men (aged 18 - 29) voted for Trump in 2020, while a whopping 56% voted for him in 2024.
It turns out that calling any guys who aren’t socialists or liberals Nazis and incels doesn’t win you votes. Who’d have thunk it?
Only men that I would vilify would be the men who say women should not have rights anyways :p
This isn’t as relevant as you think it is.
Remember not to feed the trolls y’all
These so called “men” are manchild Americans who see being asked to not even take responsibility for their actions, but simply to recognize the possible consequences of their actions, as being “vilified”. It’s not our fault they’re so weak minded that they crumple under the slightest criticism and flock to the first strongman character who tells them it’s everyone else’s fault their fee fees are hurt.
An a non-American who lived there for ages, you lot are toxic.
It turns out that calling any guys who aren’t socialists or liberals Nazis
If you vote for a fascist, I’m gonna call you a fascist 😭😭
I hate this, because the idea comes from Hermetic spirituality, but from a very cherry picked version of it that basically says “Be as shitty a person as you want, give into your natural inclinations and vices”
I know because I’ve seen this A LOT!
Because the actual Seventh Principle of Hermeticism does not say to do this, it actually says to balance the masculine and feminine within yourself to acknowledge both as being geniunely within you. It also encourages that the two shouldn’t be seen as opposites but rather two endpoints on a vast spectrum, the same way we see hot and cold.
But sadly too many “Gurus” somehow warped this into
“Reject femininity, see it as weakness, and be a massive chauvinistic asshole.”
When that couldn’t be further from what it’s saying.
So I watched the entire three hour interview.
Technically speaking, Zuckerberg emphasizes the need for balance. He on multiple times either emphasizes that both men and women should feel comfortable in corporate environments, and explicitly says something like “there has to be a balance” on at least two occasions.
The issue is that other parts of the interview don’t really match that idea of balance. Zuckerberg and Rogan spent like a third of the entire interview talking about bro culture stuff. I’m not even talking about “bro culture in the context of corporate America”. Rogan spends like a full ten minutes lecturing Zuckerberg on the proper way to bow hunt.
Overall I think the media is focusing outrage bait while ignoring the serious implications of the interview. Zuckerberg is clearly lobbying the Trump administration to prevent meta and other US tech companies from being subject to EU regulatory security. It has serious implications both as a consumer and in terms of geopolitics.
I really wish CEOs would stop and ask “If I wasn’t the CEO, would I want this regulation to exist?”
But that requires them to have empathy.
I hate outrage bait, as you pointed out it makes us blind to the REAL danger, which is… Zuckerberg trying to get out of playing by the rules.
I agree. Ironically he also went on a bit of a rant about how the traditional media outlets whittle down interviews to the most salacious bits, and that’s part of the reason the American public is slowly losing trust in them.
While the reason for him saying this is to discredit his previous perception as robotic, he’s also not wrong. All the articles I read “highlighting” the interview hyper focused on a few lines, and in doing so left and incomplete or dishonest impression.
New Age Psuedo-religious bullshit
Get ready for him getting born again, or at least get on the “culturally christian” bullshit.
Yeah that seems to be the excuse for why shitty people (like Dawkins) turn even shittier