China mastered copying things well. A five pack of replacement knobs that actually match is $34 on Amazon. A crappy homemade knob for a $4000+ range is crazy.
China has also mastered modern slave labor. That someone makes thier own replacement instead of ordering some small uncomplicated part from across the globe isn’t crazy, it’s self-reliant and smart.
But that’s, like, just my opinion man.
I’m sure the prison firefighters out in California are real mad about China mastering modern slave labor
Oh I would go for the OEM part ten times out of ten, especially for such a nice appliance. Instead this person opted to make some plastic waste that will eventually be in the Ocean after we are all long dead.
Completely agree that Amazon garbage is terrible for humanity
I definitely agree that less plastic = better in general. But if you’re going to 3d print stuff, at least this is functional.
And I’m not here to argue. God it is nice to have a civil discussions on social media.
Sorry if I came off as argumentative. That certainly wasn’t my intent.
I was just trying to make the point that this person spent a lot of time and effort to do something subpar with plastic.
I have a hunch that those knobs are just a thin sheet of metal wrapped around a piece of plastic, which would explain why one of the knobs broke off in the first place.
I could be wrong, just a hunch.
The knobs are “brushed stainless” plated plastic with plastic parts inside. It’s possible Bosch is using higher quality materials, but this is the standard Bosch range knob that goes on all of their ranges, so I suspect it’s made down to a price. They’re injection molded parts that cost about a quarter a piece including parts and labor.
The important parts of the knob are all inside the range. But still can cost as little as about 10 bucks for an OEM part and 15 minutes of repair work if one of those should break.
It goes farther than that! The 34$ 5 pack is only that price because its already here in america to be shipped in a day or two. It came from china, where you can order the same thing for 1-5% of the price if you are willing to wait a month to receive it.
I was gonna bitch about it too but the cheaper Bosch ranges use the same knobs. It’s an off the shelf part that Bosch is charging a ridiculous premium for.
And Bosch makes and generally stands by their good products. Yeah they’re a company, but they’re not the worst!
Also, where did original knob go, I need to know.
Some things are better left unknown.
Wouldn’t that be susceptible to melting due to oven temps? Or is that probably made from a higher temp filament?
Depends on the type of filament used and temperatures that are actually present at the knob. I would say no since the temperature required to melt (or warp) the knob would have to be high enough to cause some pretty severe burns if you touched it with your hand. if the knobs on the oven/range are getting that hot, there is a lot more to worry about here than the knob melting.
Glass transition temp of PLA is around 55-60C - that’s when it starts to get malleable. I’d be pretty surprised if the oven knobs get that hot.
What’s the melting point of the regular filament? You’re supposed to touch the oven knobs it so it’s probably not much higher than 50 degrees.
50 degrees? How do your oven knobs even get that hot? Mine don’t change temperature at all, always room temperature. If your oven knobs get recognizably warmer (yet to spend of 50°) something seems to be awfully wrong with your oven!
They should not be that warm but it’s about the limit of what is comfortable to touch.
The comfortable temperature limit to touch is room temperature because anything higher indicates a broken oven which makes me highly uncomfortable.
50° K?
Hopefully if it’s a decent oven there isn’t that much heat on the outside. I guess if you just left the door open, it might eventually melt
Not really. You can print it out of ABS easily enough if that’s a concern, given that there is a good chance that is what the knob on any given residential range or oven is likely to have been made out of by the factory anyway.
As a matter of fact, since this is directly in my wheelhouse (not that wheelhouse, the other one) vis-a-vis both 3D printing and whitegoods, let’s take a look.
Being in the unique position to be able to do so, I grabbed a knob off of a random smattering of ranges. Here’s what I found from the ones that didn’t require taking them apart further to find the markings or scraping at them with a knife or something (hey, there’s the other wheelhouse):
- Maytag (Whirlpool): Stamped “ABS” on the inside.
- Bosch “Industrial Style” (similar to OP’s): PBT
- Whirlpool: PET
- Verona: ABS
- GE Base Line: ABS
PBT has a pretty similar melting point to ABS at ~235° C. With ABS it’s complicated, but I print ABS at 260° C for what it’s worth. PET is also typically given around 260-270. So these are all pretty similar to each other.
TL;DR: You should be fine with ABS.
Oh sweet, knowing how to use a knife is right up my wheelhouse too!
When an artificer and a rouge are faced with the same problem.
What does makeup have to do with this?
Rogue is not spelled rouge.
I think you replied to the wrong person. They know.
DM: Roll a D20 for a stealth check.
Rouge: I bat my eyelashes.
DM: Huh, I misread your character sheet. I’ll allow it.I feel like an artificer would be skilled in the application of rouge. As well as foundation and eyeliner.
Still cheaper than getting a 3D printer and filament and stuff. And CAD/CAM software.
The type of person to do this most likely already has a 3d printer, and cad software is free for personal use. The electricity and filament cost for this part would be a few cents and it would take minutes to print on modern printers
Even if you didn’t have a 3d printer it would be significantly cheaper to use a 3d printing service to order the part, than to buy OEM replacement knob
Also a high probability they have a 3D printer and are super excited for something useful to do with it.
One doesn’t buy a 3D printer to make a knob. One is suddenly presented with a need for a knob (or a thingy, or a flangle, or a twizzlet…) and suddenly remembers, “hey - I have a 3D printer.” Followed by “I wonder if there are any matching designs in one of the several massive free databases of models.”
Followed by getting out the calipers and opening OpenSCAD
If you do not have a 3D printer and CAD software, you are 100% right.
If you already have those things like OP, then why not just design / print one? I am also a 3D printer / CAD person, and I love designing replacement parts that are wither too expensive, or often impossible to find. Mostly though, I design and print things that make my and my families lives easier / nicer / more convenient. And they are customized to the exact item and function, something that you would most likely never be able to get in a store or online.
Stove Knob guards.
Salt / Pepper Grinder Holder.
Spice Jar Organizer.
Just to name a few things.
Software is free if you aren’t using it for commercial use. Fusion 360, onshape, etc. are all free for personal use. And that’s assuming someone didn’t make it already and share it free.
Filament costs $17 for 1kg of perfectly fine plastic. You’d probably use 100g at most for this, so $1.70.
A Bambu A1 mini is $200, and is a modern, high quality printer that would be fine for this project.
So you only need like a half dozen of these projects to come out ahead.
To be clear, I’m the last one to say one shouldn’t invest in money saving innovation. But the breaking even should be number one priority. I, for instance have all kinds of energy savers in my house that have cost me several hundreds. They’ll only be returned in a few years and I need to manage them properly.
On software SIDE, kinda criminal not to mention FreeCAD, it’s FOSS and runs on Linux, unlike the non-free freemium and paid alternatives
But it’s got a long way to go before it’s at usable as the others. Definitely not a good place to start learning cad.
No, it doesn’t.
The recent 1.0 release is actually very good. It is probably better at this point than some of the entry level commercial options and most importantly compared to those is not intentionally hobbled in any way.
The time for everyone to stop parroting how “everyone knows” that FreeCAD is unusable is… now. You can go ahead and delete that one; it’s time to learn a new soundbyte.
Come on. The 1.0 release is a huge milestone, but saying it’s better than the entry level commercial options is just disingenuous.
I have actually switched over to it because I run a small 3D printing business as a side income, which isn’t nearly profitable enough to afford an onshape license, and although Fusion360 has an affordable startup license it simply won’t work on Linux and my hackintosh laptop isn’t powerful enough for cad.
It is at a point where it is very usable if you are willing to invest the time needed to learn it, but the learning curve is much, much steeper than that of OnShape or Fusion360, especially if it is your first CAD program. There is also a huge lack of beginner tutorials for it, and the documentation is intended for advanced users, which complicates the learning curve even further, because Fusion360 and OnShape have a huge amount of beginner tutorials for them.
For a hobbyist that just wants to model a few things and not sell them I would always recommend OnShape or Fusion360 over FreeCAD, or even Tinkercad if said person just wants to model extremely simple things.
Is it much different from 7 months ago?
Yes. The 1.0 release was in November. That Ondsel fork in your video was based on, I believe, the 0.22 version.
The 1.0 release actually prompted Ondsel to shut down entirely, as they are now largely redundant and attempting to monetize a FOSS program was probably doomed from the start anyway…
That’s good to know, I guess I’ll give it a try again.
Nah it’s a great place to start learning, it’s super easy to start modelling your first simple models in part design.
It’s the more complex designs where it starts to struggle (or maybe I’m just bad idk)
Nah it’s not you, FreeCAD is perfectly usable for something like the above referenced knob but even mid-size assemblies really have problems. I personally find the workflow to be bad and irritating beyond my ability to express in words and I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be as a new user to work it out for yourself while at the same time getting used to thinking of objects as collections of operations. It’s a great lightweight program for people who already know what they’re doing and that value FOSS, though. 1.0 really fixed a ton of the issues, but it still has the “Blender UX” problem that seems to plague all big FOSS projects…
It’s true that you should not expect to save money in the short or long run with 3d printing as a hobby, but if it’s your thing then it’s nice to have a hobby that’s occasionally useful. Also, autodesk fusion is free for consumer use.
I wouldn’t say I’ve made back my investment on 3D printing in the past half a decade I’ve done it. But in terms of “prints for friends” like this one above I may be close. Plus there’s just something nice about going “I need a measuring cup for dog food” and printing one to the exact serving size.
What food-safe printing materials do you use?
I just use PLA. PLA itself is good safe, but occasionally the additives aren’t, so I don’t use any for human related stuff. It’s also worth considering that the layered approach can allow for bacterial growth, so unless you treat it (e.g. epoxy seal it), you’ll need to wash it fairly frequently to curb buildup.
That frequent washing is what leaks out the nasty chemicals from the plastic fyi. Heat and mechanical stress are the main way plastics leach
To be fair, that’s the case with pretty much all plastics.
Tupperware shouldn’t be used to reheat food in the microwave for the same reason, yet that’s it’s most common use generally.
Untreated PLA is more brittle than commercial food-safe plastics though, that is true.
I wish I had pockets big enough to replace the flimsy Bosch drawers in my fridge that start to shatter as soon as you pull just a tiny bit harder than normal.
There are 3d models for some fridge drawers. I have a Frigidaire with similarly flimsy drawers and found a model for them.
I’d say more like 30 cents, but this one’s clearly stolen - a real 3d printer owner would have had the right color filament on hand.
Much more realistic that we’d intentionally spend $40 on a specialty roll of filament to have the right color and finish for that one specific print. See, I’m totally saving money! Right after I print, like, nine more of these!
lol when i was an asshole kid i did that with guitar volume knobs
Pro tip as a 3D printer owner/user though:
Oftentimes for small elements like this you can just contact the company and they’ll send you a knob or whatever. (Probably won’t be that lucky on repair parts though)
But I also enjoy the pride of seeing things I’ve repaired and longevitized with my own equipment. :)
They should buy some paint so it matches the other knobs.
Not a meme
How many of you dipshits are there?
Learn what a meme is, you guys look dumb as hell spamming posts with this
A meme [/miːm/] is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme.
Feel free to keep reading on Wikipedia, or the dictionary, or wherever you may prefer.
You, my friend, are talking wholely from your ass. You are wrong, and also you’re acting like a massive fuckwad. But you’re probably 12 or 14 or something, so just read the definition of a meme before you spout off? This is a screenshit that is entertaining, and in no way is it a meme. If you can find it on “knowyourmeme” I’ll be happy to eat a paper hat.
Learn not to be a dickwad unless you’ve done your homework.
oh man you think you’re so smart dont you well let me tell you something buddy youre the one whos wrong and youre acting like a total FAKE news troll i mean come on youre trying to lecture them on what a meme is but youre the one whos clearly clueless and by the way i did the homework and guess what i found this exact thing on knowyourmeme so you can go ahead and eat that paper hat because you just got served and another thing whats with the age thing are you trying to be some kind of gatekeeper or something newsflash pal age has nothing to do with it but go ahead and keep on ranting but at the end of the day youre still wrong and thats the truth
That is the longest, dumbest sentence I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
ChadMc-3DayOldRemedialAccount. I hope you own a good helmet.
its obviously several sentences what are you illiterate and not that its any of your business but i have two REALLY cool helmets
Glad you are prepared!
See this thing --> .
This is how literate people delineate sentences.
I’m calling bullshit on your knowyourmeme photoshop, but it’s funny to look at anyway.
no thanks i wont be using your elitist nonsense those little dots are made up and useless and a clear marker of government control because you know who used that stuff thats right hillary clinton and also adolf hitler both badguys
/uj thanks i was hoping you might giggle a bit about that but also what did you mean remedial account /j
Feel free to keep reading on Wikipedia, or the dictionary, or wherever you may prefer.
Right back at ha, you clearly didn’t absorb what you already quoted
You are wrong
Such confidence as you violently miss the mark
just read the definition of a meme before you spout off
You should have tried that yourself
If you can find it on “knowyourmeme” I’ll be happy to eat a paper hat.
Yeah the other guy found t for you, eat up
Learn not to be a dickwad unless you’ve done your homework
The irony
Yikes. The other guy is a troll and admits it’s Photoshop, but you didn’t read that either.
Idiot. :)
Holy shit, talk about blast from the past…
Feels like all over again.
Little sanding and silver Rub 'n Buff on that print will make it look a lot better and closer match to the rest.
I like to keep the 3D printed look for spare parts, because its a good conversation starter and it often blows peoples minds if you tell them how cheap it was to produce. I was able to get at least 6 people into 3D printing now that way.
And if you need guards for your knobs, I designed some after bumping mine and turning on the gas more than once.
Maybe I’m missing something obvious here, but how do you use the stove?
You push the knob in and turn it. The guard goes around the knob, but doesn’t stop it from turning.
If people have little kids, or dogs that like to “counter surf,” guards are a pretty much a must (we just took the knobs completely off when our kids were little), acquaintances of ours lost their home to fire when the dog counter surfed and turned the gas stove on. I don’t remember what caught everything on fire that was on the stove, but they lost everything, and it killed the pets too.
Yeah, we had a different stove when our kids were small, and it had the knobs at the back of it.
I think some newer stoves will automatically shut off after a certain amount of time when the gas is on but no flame is detected.
Or even simply moving it to the middle of the set of three for less distraction.
Now THAT is a life hack.
I’d eyeball the measurements in Blender and laugh at my crooked knob every time I use the stove.
I laugh at my crooked knob all the time.
Removed by mod
That’s at least better than his wife. She laughs and points.
You’re still putting too much work into this. Just heat up the metal shaft where the knob was with a torch and press any old hunk of thermo plastic onto it. Now you have janky done even more quick and cheap.
But what the hell happened to the other knob? I’ve done a lot of stupid shit around the stove but I can’t imagine what could happen to it.
Kids are a force
Wait you have kids and still sink money into crypto shillcoins? 😬
I just grab the serial number from a recently sold one and file a warranty claim on it.
That’s fraud
Yeah? You should see the kind of crap my vendors are always trying to do to me. If anything the owe me big time anyhow.
Tell that to the judge.
They always wait until these people have stolen a bunch before they prosecute. It takes years to build a case.
If they’re trying to do it to you, and you are aware of it, that means they’re getting away with it.
Just thought I would point that out in case it wasn’t obvious to you already.
Two wrongs don’t make a right
What about a wrong to right the wrongs of capitalism?
Sure they do. It’s wrong to take someone else’s money. But if they take your money first, whoah, it just became OK! Same with hitting people.