If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
I hope she manages to set up an irrevocable trust that guarantees steady income for the rest of her life so someday she can quit sex work and just pursue art or something if she wants
Hell, maybe it’ll turn out that sex work is her art and that is ok too
Sex work is performance art.
Good for her but I can’t help but feel envious that paths and choices like this are basically exclusively only available to the opposite sex
you could argue that men have similar exclusive, lucrative paths that use their strength/athleticism and are also probably statistically similar rates of exclusivity within their sex. Like, not everyone will be a professional footballer just like not every onlyfans model makes livable income.
The mean earnings for OF is $150/month. Meaning it’s likely there’s a vast majority of people earning $50-100/month, and a vast minority earning $100k/month.
With props, camera, lighting, editing “costuming” etc, you probably lose money doing it.
Not to mention, it’s definitely possible for men to have successful careers in sex work. I expect there are far fewer successful men in sex work, and they probably need to be ok with having a mostly male clientele. But it’s still possible.
Blame that on men being the only people willing to pay for it.
That said there’s plenty of gay men out there willing to buy pictures of your ding dong if it’s photogenic enough.
it isn’t. there’s a lot of male OF models too, although their fans are probably mostly gay men. good news is, unlike performers from before online videos took off, you don’t really have to be “gay for pay”. OF models can get away with doing solo work as well.
But my Puritan beliefs are more important than her well being!!!
Hope she makes enough before her looks drop off.
You’re only a young hot piece of ass for so long.
Then what?
A PHD maybe?
Ya? It’s that easy to just get into a phd program huh?
She dropped out of her doctorate. She’s going to have to explain why she dropped out if she wants any chance to get back in and that is already pretty low after dropping out.
“I dropped out to make money, and now I have money, and now I want to complete my PhD.”
Easy enough explanation.
It doesn’t work that way. You can’t just come back to a phd program after leaving it. It’s not like undergrad.
Yes, you can. I’ve welcomed 3 doctoral program folks back just this past semester.
Did they have an approved leave of absence with a planned return or did they just fall off the side of the planet and then later just show up?
It’s rare to find a school that would entertain such a thing. I doubt that is the case with those people you’re talking about.
Without a leave of absence you’ll likely need to reapply and get new letters of recommendation , etc. Your chances at that point are pretty low.
No, they withdrew, one about a decade ago, and then re-applied.
Its not nearly as hard as you are making it out to be.
Not much different than a new applicant, except we know they know how to be a doctoral program member, and do things like be an intern, or RA.
She didn’t really “drop out”. She left for a much much much better opportunity. That’s a strong sign of intelligence.
Dropping out is dropping out. The reason doesn’t matter in that context.
She already made a million. Give her two more years and she’ll make more than an average scientist in their whole career. Then she can still get a PhD.
As long as she’s careful with it, she’ll be fine. A lot of people who have sudden income windfalls don’t know how to be smart with it and end up losing everything, but as she’s pursued higher education, she’s a lot more likely to be financially literate than someone who regularly plays the lottery.
If she invests wisely, she could be set for life.
But she won’t. She’ll waste her money and end up with nothing.
Nostradamus over here, lol! 🔮
What will she be doing 2 months from now? Rolling in the $ while you get mad that someone figured out a way to make an easier living?
Interesting. Didn’t know you knew her so well. Are you her best friend? Close family? Or how do you get so much insight into her psyche?
Stocks, I guess.
Sounds like a winning business strategy. I can’t see how this could ever go wrong.
Picking shitty stocks would be the place, I guess. I hope she finds a good accountant, bless her.
Under capitalism everybody’s gotta horde money while their bodies can still serve.
Complete the damn degree and then do what you want. At least your have a document to help you if the shit hits the fan.
She can do whatever she wants with that kind of money in the bank. Continuing her degree later wouldn’t be a problem.
That’s her only fan too
This is… so inefficient.
She could have become an engineer (or whatever she wants), made videos about it, and made a big difference in many people’s lives, and had whatever personal life she wanted. Instead, she’s producing ‘entertainment’ that’s been replicated a bajillion times.
I an happy for her personally, but this is such a loss to society and a huge ding against the education/work pipeline. I assume she would’ve rather gone into her chosen field if it wasn’t such a miserable grind. If it isn’t ‘worth the hardship’ for someone so brilliant, hardworking, charismatic, and everything to go into STEM, then the system she’s in is completely busted.
If it’s such a loss to society, perhaps something should be done about society’s economic structure and how it partitions rewards. Rather than throwing shade on someone for making an economically advantageous decision.
When has anything ever worked that way?
Absolutely never
Especially with that attitude
Good call. I left science after my PhD 20 or so years ago. I make more than many of the scientists that I manage. Science is a long, hard path that doesn’t pay well for probably 99% of PhDs.
I owe my financial security to that decision all those years ago.
I worked as a technical writer many years ago and we had two physics PhDs working in the same job. They both had pursued academic careers for years before dropping out and taking a job that actually pays the bills.
TBH, I don’t blame her in the least. It’s hard enough for men. I can’t imagine what it must be like for women to endure misogyny on top of what men go through in STEM.
I might do this to get out of being a software developer, tbh,
Translation: I threw away my ethics in favor of getting rich.
Are you implying that there are ethical ways to get rich?
Are you implying that creating porn is unethical?
Sure sounds like it. 1950s ass take.
When the majority of them hide their face it makes you wonder huh?
It makes me wonder what kind of horrible things they’ve experienced from men.
As opposed to… checks notes … the rest of the world?
What a sad waste of expensive education.
Why do people in academics want to pursue big money in the first place? Misplaced priorities.
Capitalism is a wealth based caste system, but kids aren’t taught that in school so many don’t connect the dots until they are in college.
If we don’t want people to value wealth above everything else maybe we shouldn’t have a system that also prioritizes profits above people, the planet, science and everything else.
First of all, thats completely off topic.
Secondly, unregulated Capitalism devolves into a caste system as a result of weakness of the democratic state’s ability to self govern.
If a nation state has the complete authority over all labor and markets it likely isn’t a very free nation, and all authoritarian nations also devolve into castes almost immediately with no recourse to push back.
If a nation state does not have complete authority then it will organically develop markets and therefor is a capitalism, anyways.
the complete authority over all labor and markets it likely isn’t a very free nation, and all authoritarian nations also devolve into castes almost immediately with no recourse to push back.
Yes, that’s an ok description of current reality under capitalism.
Capitalism cannot exist without a state ensuring the ruling class keeps being able to exploit the working class.
Otherwise, who secures land claims? Or other private property from being taken by the working class?
Without the state, use of force secures land claims, and corporations would be more than happy to release the hounds on the rest of us.
A democratic state is a collection of people, mostly workers, that forces the distribution of wealth and ideally equal rights in a court of law and protection of public lands.
You just described capitalism, with a fully privatized state. Much like the system in the US…
There are non capitalistic economic systems that are also don’t require state ownership and are non authoritarian. Literally just incentivizing worker owned coops is an example of how you can drastically shift the economic system without changing the political system. Markets =/= capitalism. The ability to hoard capital and thus power through private ownership is capitalism. I’m not saying that what i described is the perfect system, it’s just an example of something possible outside of your argument.
Lol, no, there aren’t any such systems currently in existence. No where on earth does that.
Worker owned coops have to compete with privately companies unless private companies are outlawed, but in that example the state is expressing absolute authority over how businesses are structured. If the state gives them the freedom, then capitalistic business structures such as privately owned businesses or publicly traded business with vastly disproportionate ownership shares will form.
I didn’t say they exist. Though Sweden was making an attempt (before their president was assassinated in the 1970s) simply by giving employee unions more power. If worker/employee owned co ops had more opportunities for startup funding, why wouldn’t they form organically and compete with traditional businesses?
Corporations only exist because the state exists…
Where does the legal fiction called a “corporation” derived rights from, and existence?
Even full state authority does not eliminate markets, it simply changes the participation. A lot of internet Communists get this wrong. Marx is pretty clear that the state only withers away when there is no more material scarcity. Unfortunately, instead of actually working towards that endpoint, we are stuck endlessly relitigating whether or not implementing a brutal dictatorship is a good way to liberate workers.
As an academic, if I could make $1M/year by showing my body on OF, I would quit my job in a heartbeat. I would make my money while I can and reassess when no one is interested anymore.
Once I’d made my money, maybe I could use my academic expertise to effect some real change in the world. I’d certainly be more capable of making an impact if I were independently wealthy.
Okay thanks for sharing with the world that you’re greedy and arrogant.
Why not just finish your degree and then model? If you’re already in a program that means you’ve completed all of the prerequisite education so it’s only whatever remains of the 3 years the program takes to finish, 4 maximum. You’re not going to age out of modelling in 2 years time.
Let’s be completely honest, if you dropped out in the middle of your PhD study to go earn money, you’re probably never going back.
Our system promotes greed, in fact it operates purely on optimizing for greed.
On one hand: work long hours with little to no recognition, put up with the bullshit politics of academia, constantly worrying about job security due to grant-based funding, and all while struggling to make ends meet.
On the other hand: don’t struggle to make ends meet, deal with a lot less bullshit, job security.
I’d ask you how you don’t understand, but you thought someone else bringing up capitalism was unrelated, so it’s obviously a sad waste of my expensive fucks-to-give to try to educate you. Misplaced priorities? Sounds more like you have no clue what you are talking about.
This is actually sad to see.
“An advocate of women in science until recently” makes you think what really are their priorities.
??? everyone’s priority is money. obviously. how is this a shock?
Why do people become teachers in the US? Certainly isn’t “for the money”.
Money makes things possible, people will do things they love for the passion of it, but without enough money it isn’t feasible. It’s capitalism, folks
Most of the time, folks who become teachers don’t have a million dollar career as an alternative.
I’m just giving a basic example of people being motivated outside of money. There are other lines of work that are easier or pay better or both.
Have you never heard of scientists or artists? Lots of people prioritize passion over money.
that’s crazy. Have yet to see this in reality.
Hi. Plenty of people go for “enough to pay the bills (but contributing to society/enjoyable)” over “the most I could make,” myself included
I know many many artists, and none of them would resist an offer to do what they’re passionate about in exchange for lots of money. Or to do what they’re not very passionate about in exchange for lots of money. Or even something they downright hate doing, in exchange for lots of money. Having lots of money means you can invest in those things you are passionate about.
And yet, lots of people choose not to do what they hate for money. Obviously, if you can get paid well for doing what you love is a win-win, but the point of my argument is that a lot of people don’t really care about money, beyond having enough to get by.
I… looked more into that.
She did an interview in which she said that she did not like the academia Life but wants to focus on her social media career, which includes of, but also a YouTube channel where she published science related videos
So still doing science stuff, but not pursuing a PhD anymore.
I hope my daughter gets to look up to women established in STEM fields.
Seems like a busted world where there’s more money in sex work than academia.
It’s just one woman. She doesn’t represent whatever “they” you are refering to because there are a lot more women who don’t take this path.
academia is toxic for everyone, but especially for women, and especially in STEM
The stories my female doctor friend tells me about treatment from male colleagues or female superiors is freaking rage-inducing. But 99% of the time she can’t do shit about it because she’ll be ostracized or risk her job, or in the past risk residency or placements. It suuuucks.
6 downvotes from people going “not from me, I treat bitches nicely”.
/r/niceguys poster boys who got banned from reddit
That one impotent downvote you’ve gotten really underscores your point…
I’ve done cursory research on this person, and my understanding is that she claims she will still be teaching science but only wearing sexy tops on. I don’t know how truthful that is but even some Olympic athletes said they are in Only fans but “only being sexy without showing”, in order to supplement their income. I don’t really fault people for this considering the worsening cost of living crisis.
The problem with sex work under capitalism isn’t the worker, but the capitalism.
This times several billion
Minus the “sex” part of “sex work under capitalism”
Sex work is real work. When we sufficiently progress as a species the concept itself will become incomprehensible because survival sex will become incomprehensible.
I just mean that the problem with all work under capitalism is the capitalism part.
What was the problem with it under feudalism?
The feudalism…
Step one to becoming an Onlyfans star … be young
Step two to becoming an Onlyfans star … have natural beauty
Step three: Be incredibly lucky…
Lilly Allen is on onlyfans and makes more money than her Spotify streams. She only post feet pics so there’s that.
I’m 0-2. 😭
Not to worry then, OnlyBogans is for you! Sign up today and make fuck all!
Welcome to the Old Ugly Fuck Club
Didn’t they tell you the first rule of old ugly fuck club?
That … that … we’re actually beautiful inside?
No, you can still be fugly on the inside. These are separate and the lack of one doesn’t imply anything about the other. You might be able to fix one of them, though… ask a plastic surgeon.
Old-Ugly Fuck club or Old Ugly-Fuck club.
That hyphen makes a difference.
Ah yes … the first schism to our new group
Hey! Maybe we can add and become a 3
Seen half a dozen posts like this recently. Always screams misogynistic outrage bait to me.
I’m fairly convinced posts like this are sponsored by these platforms to trick young women into joining, as they need an endless supply of new “content” when people get bored of the popular models. That fetish site “Feet Finder” did that a lot, they sponsored tens of thousands of TikTok creators to pretend they got rich selling their feet pictures, when in reality, the people joining the platform were never paid.
Yeah exactly, the person that can actually make $1 million on the platform is rare, and often artificial (companies tweak the algorithm to make some users extra successful for these kinds of headlines and promotions). They’re just marketing and luring talent.
Yeah, the money those few lucky ones make is chicken shit compared to what the platform owner makes.
My partner was in the top 99% of performers on onlyfans for several years (according to onlyfans’ metrics, which actually are surprisingly accurate since it involves reporting financial information). At the peak she was making about $150/month. It really drove home that the number of people who actually make any substantial amount of money on any platform like this is shockingly low.
You probably meant top 1%.
Sigh… No, I actually meant to write 99th percentile. Which is also wrong, and is entirely symptomatic of me being ‘an idiot’. (Ty for pointing this out)
The owner is a billionaire, so literally 1000x as much as her.
Seize the means of porn production!
Especially since it isn’t true.
‘Attention’ is an extremely hard habit to kick
The other thing that’s probably hard to kick is a life of leisure and the money to buy whatever you want by staying home with a camera instead of sweating through a PhD program.
She probably won’t be able, like most athletes, to do this until regular retirement age. So why not make the most of it now. She can always go back into research if she felt like it after she can retire for life.
Yeah, had I the potential to do the same, I’d grab the chance in a heartbeat. It’s both much more lucrative as well as comfortable, allowing working from home or in midst of traveling, or whatever. The flexibility alone would be enough to convince me. Assuming they have the audience already and not just jumping in cold.
They’ll probably make at least tenfold the money I’ll be making in my entire lifetime, in a couple of years. Certainly more than academics would.
People here worried about the long term? As if getting a phd and working in academics would ever bring them the money they’ll likely make in a couple of years. If anything, this is the move to make if one is concerned about the long term, especially financially. They’ll be able to retire, probably very early, unlike your average academic.
Anyone making this very choice, I.e being smart enough for a phd but choosing something else, will have thought about the future and all that comes with it. With sensible investing and whatever, they’ll probably be sailing towards a very comfortable life.
Why would anyone think choosing the phd would be the more long-term sensible choice? Academics is the same as being a nurse or a teacher: it’s a passion choice. Not a smart choice. Not everything has to be smart either. But it’s certainly going to be so much more future-proof in general.
just checked out her channel. she links to her onlyfans in the about section and her most recent video is titled: “PhD dropout to onlyfans model.” your linked article claims she used the rumor to her advantage, so maybe its just that? but cant confirm since the vid is 18+ on youtube and i dont have an account anymore.
The fake news is fake news apparently. She has a video on her YouTube where she describes the whole thing and it seems true. However, I don’t know what sort of content she does on OnlyFans. She does show the max amount of cleavage possible on YouTube, but I’m not sure if she shows more than that on any other platform. Everything I could find was actual science content, except she is a very attractive lady wearing revealing clothes while telling the story. But I know OnlyFans also does chats for example where pictures don’t need to be exchanged at all, people will pay just to talk to an attractive person. She might also do feet pics, which can be highly valuable to some people.
So it’s implied she sorta dropped out of school to do porn. But it’s nothing like that, she has a couple of degrees already, had a nice side project going with her content creation on multiple platforms including YouTube and didn’t see a future for herself with the path she was on. So she switched to doing content creation fulltime.
Her yt links to her OF acc