Well it’s a good thing they have all that priceless art they can sell…
They could always start selling indulgences again!
In fact, they could even expand beyond the traditional Catholic market. Even Muslims get into Catholic heaven if they’re willing to cut a big enough check! Maybe you can get some atheist billionaire to buy a $1 billion “just in case” indulgence.
I see a business opportunity here, who knows how to code a website 🤑😋?
They don’t need to sell anything. They’re sitting on the horde of Rome’s wealth along with all the nazi gold the church took in during WWII. They have the wealth to easily pay their debts but would rather enter into bankruptcy than actually pay them.
Oh no. Well anyways
This is amazing, it took me a few seconds to realize that is a very tiny violin.
It’s from an election microscope IIRC
Does it give a close look at peoples choices?
Don’t just leave those laying around, something will fi-- aww damnit, too late…
It’s cool, he ain’t playing it right anyway. He won’t get famous and change the world the way he’s doing it.
C’mon, he’s doing his best.
It’s really hard to do without opposable thumbs!
Maybe if you had four arms you’d hold it different too! Leave Tardiboi alone!
Oh shiiiiiii
Irish Star is as reliable as Alex Jones.
The Catholic Church remains one of the world’s wealthiest organizations.
You can have a high net worth and go through bankruptcy.
The number of people who don’t understand the difference between cash flow and assets astounds me.
It could be. I haven’t heard of the Irish Star. I couldn’t decide whether it was bullshit propaganda designed to sound Pope Francis sound like a problem, bullshit propaganda designed to attract clicks and nothing else, truth presented with the goal of making Pope Francis sound like a problem, or what really happened. I decided to post it and stop worrying about it.
Being owned by Reach plc is definitely not a reassuring sign of credibility. Highlights of other news outlets they own include the Daily Star straight up inventing an interview with Dwayne Johnson in 2019, the Daily Express having such a bizarre obsession with Princess Diana that they still pt her name in the headlines about once a week to this day, and the Daily Mirror seemingly doing its “journalism” primarily by the method of hacking into celebrities’ personal voicemails throughout most of the 00s
Best news I’ve heard in a while
good, time to disband that pedo-clown organisation
I wish.
Doubt they’ll even have to sell a diocese.
I guess those tithes just aren’t paying.
Looks like indulges are back on the menu, boys!
Somebody should lunch an indulgence-based cryptocoin. Buy your way to paradise today!
Pope to Vatican: How does one “chain the blocks”?
They used to have a marketing jingle for their old indulgences… whenever a coin in the box rings, a soul in purgatory springs!
No fucking joke. This was actually one reason why protestantism rose.
I’m going to need a really, /really/ small violin.
Perhaps they should sell off some of the tons and tons of gold stuff they have.
Or their huge amounts of foreign land
Like huge… tracts of land?
There’s a whole crypt of nicely dressed absolutely dead people who most certainly don’t need to be wearing rubies and gold and diamonds all over their bones.
Maybe they should put their bones in a museum for profit? Come see Saint (whomever)
We do it all the time with brown peoples bones. Why not pope’s bones?
That needle must have a pretty big eye
No, just microscopic camels.
I’m sure God will save them … by wiring them a few billion dollars