Can’t tell if that’s an actual line of the show or not.
Don’t remember which episode but it is
It is!
We’re on S6E12 right now, will I still love House MD as much as I do now by the end of the show?
The season finale of the one before last made me stop watching the show
I binged it all a few years ago. Yeah… Never need to watch it again. It really overstays its welcome. So repetitive.
I remember watching when it was relatively new, but I don’t think I made it that far. They kept that series going way longer than I realized.
I made it to the end, it definitely drops off, but it managed to hold my interest enough to get to the end
I felt like the show dropped off in quality quite a bit yet I was still able to find enjoyment from it through the end. You’re well into the downward trend but I’d say it’s worth finishing. There’s definitely some stupid stuff coming up though.
“this vexes me”
Only stupid people try the medicine drug. You are stupid.
“Yes, and you. I did say ‘we’, did I not?”
Sounds like lupus.
It’s never lupus!
Except for that one time that it was
“Run some labs, I’m going to go verbally harass Cuddy.”
Also, Foreman is black