and I totally did not just meet with Blazin’ Bev
You don’t need to blaze when there’s gagh. You don’t think they eat it for the taste, do you?
Are you saying I can smoke Gagh?!?
Duras seems like the guy who would go to a KDF surplus shop and gun shows one weekend to buy his pieces of flair
How insidious!
I hope he got some of those sweet Barqtoos, too!
General Zhukov would like a word.
Jason Issacs filmed The Death of Stalin and the first season of Discovery at roughly the same time period. Makes sense now, doesn’t it?
“…And a terrific smile.”
“Just. Raktajino. Thank you.”
Look Duras, we want you to express yourself, okay? Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some Klingons choose to wear more and we encourage that, okay? You do want to express yourself, don’t you?