cough Pike has to go back to Talos IV cough
cough Pike has to go back to Talos IV cough
You’ll have to pay me to tell you what it meant. They didn’t ask for anything specific. Just asked if I knew anything.
You’ll have to pay me to tell you what it is I know and then pay me again to explain it.
Well the most anyone can assume is that characters original to SNW will be removed in some fashion by the time the series ends.
I met Seán at STLV last year (I known I encountered Ellie but wasn’t aware till after the con) and was nice. There were people who asked for photos with him, which he seemed gracious to take. Me personally, I didn’t want to ask him because it looked like he was there with his partner.
It isn’t exclusively a series centered on Janeway. This series would be presumably similar to Picard in that notion.
I think these type of discussions came about shortly after season 1 of Picard.
This came straight from someone on Star Trek: The Cruise.
EDIT: I need to add that the last date of the Cruise for 2025 is March 2, so unless you where there, no one else would have heard.
So the views on Vulcan society, were skewed by Spock? Are you saying his comments should be interpreted as having bias?
I think you meant monastery but yes, and it is Boreth. Borath (I doubled checked Memory Alpha for spelling) is a Vorta.
Okay, I’ll just accept it as silly. Cause the supernova didn’t occur till 2387.
How does Worf know about Kelvin Timeline? I thought it wasn’t discovered till 32nd century?
I forgot it.
Considering the tiny holopods used in “ I, Excretus” could be monitored, why didn’t people try to view holodeck monitors during other situations where they know something has gone wrong? Wouldn’t that be helpful?
The only story we have set in the 20th or 21th century are “Return to Tomorrow”, “Future’s End”, “Future’s End, Part II”, “Carpenter Street”, “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow”, PIC season 2, and First Contact. If there are more, they escape me. These stories are all set on Earth. My best assumption would be that after the 21st century is when automobiles got phased out of society. There isn’t really a good reason to show roads when cars aren’t a necessity for travel.
However for whatever reason, as Mariner points out, we still have bridges.
I think PRO is a step in the right direction.
Yes, no one has actually seen these numbers before.