She is also reckless and arrogant and not fit to be in deep space. She’s just aware of it, and letting you know.
T’pol: “Phlox can you ask Sato to ask Archer if Trip is going? Have you heard if Trip is going? Don’t tell Archer it was me asking!”
I loved it. I thought it was so cool seeing them make the mistakes that became Star Fleet regulations
I bet Trip hated being an example in the starfleet academy class on inter-species sex.
At least he was an inspiration for Riker
Absolutely. One of the reasons I like it so much. That, and seeing all the Trek tech we take for granted being new and unreliable.
oh we are having some mild issues with the new transporter
I loved it. I thought it was so cool seeing
themArcher, against the best advice of his command staff make the mistakes that became Star Fleet regulationsFtfy
I also love that show. The number of times Archer just says “fuck it let’s see what happens” is hilarious to me
Trip had his fair share of “nope, that ain’t right” moments too
The only problem was that their worst mistakes were things we already know about today.
It’s kinda funny, most Vulcans in the time of ENT think humans are just barely coherent monkeys. They basically think humans have cooties and if they interact too much with them they get the cooties as well. Then they send along T’Pol to be their nanny and Soval to watch over them. But as they interact more with humans, their values rub off on them and both become “corrupted” from a Vulcan point of view. I can just imagine all the other Vulcans going like: See! I told you interacting with humans makes your mind go to mush! And they smell bad too!
Yeah, that’s also one of the things I enjoyed about ENT. The Vulcans we’ve known up until then have been this high and mighty, enlightened society. In ENT, the Vulcans see themselves that way, but the more their culture at the time is revealed, the more we see they’re still very closed-minded and regressive.
Toward the end, they have an enlightenment period and start toward becoming the Vulcans we know.