There was another one, don’t know if it was from the same list or not, but it was the all beet diet. Just beets. Season and cook them however you want, but that is all you are allowed to have. Period. My stepdad did the diet and nearly lost his goddamned mind.
In my experience “nutritional advice” changes completely every 7 years on average. In 2032 we’ll probably be saying “nutritional advice used to be wild” about a lot of what we’re taking for granted right now.
Another of the 3-day diets on this list (and to be fair, they said don’t do any of them for more than 3 days!) was:
Ice cream. As much as you want. But only vanilla, and no extras like fudge sauce or sprinkles.
I remember, because I’m old.
Military diet, I remember that. Did that as a kid for a month or so
There was another one, don’t know if it was from the same list or not, but it was the all beet diet. Just beets. Season and cook them however you want, but that is all you are allowed to have. Period. My stepdad did the diet and nearly lost his goddamned mind.
I feel like one would lose their mind looking at the toilet afterwards. I imagine it looks like you shit out blood clots
Sounds like the only-kale diet I read about.
I wonder if some of those were just the result of a dare between magazine writers.
I suppose it’s one way to lose weight. It wouldn’t be long before I decide to choose hunger over even more fucking beets
I read one in a magazine that was for more than 3 days, and it suggested only drinking milk instead of water.
The reasoning was:
Nutritional advice used to be wild.
In my experience “nutritional advice” changes completely every 7 years on average. In 2032 we’ll probably be saying “nutritional advice used to be wild” about a lot of what we’re taking for granted right now.
Keto, carnivore and low-carb is my guess.
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