Songs > Videos > Lives
Don’t forget MP and MP2. The first will arrest you for trying to take pictures of a military base, and the second was the highlight of Samus’ adventures.
The evolution becomes revolution
Hear Hear and see Hear, see, and feel
Can you move that end part to adjust the distance, like a slider? Always wondered that.
You just take the cap off and plug it in twice on a computer
I know the “Nobody:” thing already gets a lot of shit but this is probably literally the most pointless one I’ve ever seen.
Missed the MP7 though.
The MP5 we got at home:
I prefer this version of the meme:
(Disregard the watermark. Didn’t find a version of this ancient meme without one on the quick)Music piracy
Movie piracy
Dick Sargent. Dick York. Sergeant York.
Me, everytime I see an MP5:
Hey, I built that thing!
Are you Heckler and Koch?
Had my apprenticeship for industrial mechanic there and after that worked for them a couple of years. Not anymore though.
I got this personalised coin for their 70 years anniversary.
More like, Heck, let me lick that Koch, right?? :3
Holy hell