If I was expected to parallel park when I got somewhere, I’d just go home.
I was takings out the rubbish and I saw a girl trying to parallel park, a man walking his dog decided to help her and he couldn’t. Felt worse for the Samaritan than the person in need
Recently I was driving behind someone and they decided to parallel park. One smooth motion and they were in, like, damn.
The best parallel park I ever did was the first and only time I ever tried ketamin. I felt like William Tell. Perfect alignment, gaps, speed, confidence, everything.
I’ve never been able to replicate it.
Sounds like you gotta start keeping a helping of Special K in your glove box just for those situations
Please don’t do drugs and drive. And don’t brag about it on the internet. This is how people die.
Yes, you’re right. My bad.
Yoda moment
I am parallel parking champion. And when my wife and I work together, our team is a masterclass in parallel parking.
I got so good by hitting lots of things and getting my car stuck at weird angles. Living in NJ for two years gave me lots of opportunities to practice and improve my skills.
The biggest first tip I can give anyone: as long as you don’t completely pass the car you’re trying to park behind, you can never pull too far forward before beginning your maneuver.
Also, if anyone honks at you, calmly check to see if you’re about to hit something—if not, they’re trying to tell you that you’re doing an awesome job! Thank them for their compliment by waving gleefully with either 1 or 5 fingers, your choice.
ETA: oh yeah! Secret sauce reveal. Get some blind spot mirrors but focus them towards your tires. It’s like a cheat code for parking in any situation.
Just waiting for that one person to say they have parking assist to park for them
I need this. I cannot afford this.
I can back into a space at full speed, lined up perfectly while barely touching the wheel. Parallel parking is something I do so little, I forget how to line up every time and feel like a fool
I can park some what decently in my old 90s wagon but struggle in my partner’s 2015 sedan due to the size difference. Practically impossible for me to park on the left side of the road on a one way. It just feels so wrong.
You know I just realized I’ve never parallel parked on the left side of the road. I feel so privileged.
When I was 16 taking the driving test, I executed the parallel park so perfectly they didn’t even let me finish.
“OK. You got it. Now do this…”
Was really bummed out as I’d practiced so much.