Aldi nord and Aldi sud are two different companies (north and south), they split when two brothers disagreed on whether to sell cigarettes in the grocery store. The Aldi’s in the US are Aldi Sud.
Aldi nord and Aldi sud are two different companies (north and south), they split when two brothers disagreed on whether to sell cigarettes in the grocery store. The Aldi’s in the US are Aldi Sud.
Aldi nord also exists in the US, they go under the name Trader Joe’s, formerly a small regional chain that they bought and used as entry to the market before expanding it across the country.
I don’t really know much about his personal politics, but his work seems to speak pretty loudly about rejecting the idea of software as private property to be bought and sold by capital, which, you know, that’s more than just progressive, even if it’s just in one area.
It’s absurd because Biden wasn’t doing anything, like he was upholding the status quo, with limited efforts to patch up some issues.
Trump is straight up trying to gut the federal government and sell it for parts as well as legitimately trying to take away people’s rights, if not straight up make their existence a crime.
He’s also trying to do this with a pretty weak mandate. Most people who did want him wanted him for a specific policy and ignored the rest.
So he’s creating a huge amount of backlash while only appeasing a small group with each action.
basically not in any public space, with rare exception.
Companies will get there eventually. Everyone thought IBM machines were irreplaceable until they weren’t.
Definitely, just to prevent it from being normalized. Just like crypto, flying cars, psychics, MLM businesses, this shit will fade in to the into the domain of low skill grifters.
I remember so many examples of windows doing stuff like this.
Specifically the most annoying I ever ran in to was Microsoft office click to run, like, as far as I understood it, it was a background service to update Microsoft office, it always ran in the background and would routinely eat up system resources, not a ton but way more than something like that should have been. It kept ignoring my instruction to not start on system start up, and kept getting reinstalling when I resorted to just ripping it out.
Now why, you may be wondering would I want to get rid of a program meant to keep office up to date? BECAUSE, I didn’t use office, I didn’t have a license even, I had uninstalled it in fact, but for some reason click to run was still there like a weed. So many other annoyances with attempting to remove other programs I didn’t want or need but windows would just keep reinstalling.
“eDgE Is A cOrE pArT oF tHe Os” y tho
Anyways, that’s why I replaced windows as the OS on my computer.
No, it floats and ominously mumbles fish facts and lure types.
I remember playing flash game years ago that was about WW1 dog fights in nuclear powered steam biplanes.
“ No you don’t understand it will improve user experience!”
We’ll i’m a users and it’s not improving my experience.
“Noooo it’s intuitive and more human way to interface!”
I’m sorry but I don’t find it intuitive to have to speak in riddles and hypotheticals to convince the search engine that it should tell me something.
“Ok but these are just teething issues the tech will improve over time.”
Then put it back in the fucking oven because it ain’t ready yet. Stop forcing me to participate in this shitty alpha. If you can’t improve this any further without public trials then I’m pretty sure it will never be a viable technology in the roles it’s being forced in to.
I read fast.
Correction: 3 days of binging to catch up.
Just down load more ram capacity. It the button right under the down load more ram button.
“ the radiation ensure that the food stays sterile for the whole trip”
Oh dats a good reaction image, yoink.
Blue man group
#1 reason to learn to make your own pizza