serious big mood righ therr
serious big mood righ therr
Same experience in Paris a while ago. My sister was about to dig into her spaghetti when someones cigarette ash drifted onto it…
it was the chaos demons
I die in a war, then became electronegative?
They are not at all dangerous. The most they can give you is pimples and really bad “acne”. Mostly their danger is psychological, as being covered in tiny bugs that consistently stab you to drink your blood while you’re trying to sleep isn’t that fun.
Well, let’s just say vamps don’t need all that blood just to live…
back in my day it was just fisting. no genders attached. fist in hole. simple as.
I identify as an A-10 Warthog.
"You will never be a rea-"
you typed that with your feet didn’t u
Those are thigh-high boots without a heel. >…>
You can’t tell me otherwise, I’ll ignore you
Cardboard aged Pepperoni and Cheese Papa Johns pizza, 20 year vintage.