There’s waaay worse things you can catch.
There’s waaay worse things you can catch.
Yeah this is me. It’s been just perfect for many years now.
It’s not that it’s uncommon, but slightly different for each project.
I collated library would be kinda cool.
That said, I don’t know how much utility this project would have.
Settle down pet. Of course I know what I meant but I’m concerned that you do not.
That’s not really what I’m saying… at all.
Everyone encounters unsolvable problems, whether or not they favor thought terminating cliches. However, we also encounter problems which only appear to be unsolvable. My point is, if you take the attitude that “it is what it is”, you’ll never know the difference.
You can call me captain solveitall if you wish, but I suspect that won’t make you any less miserable.
I can’t believe I have to say this but “I’m not going to attempt to resolve this” is not the same as “I have not made any attempt to resolve this”.
Honestly though, you’re very welcome to continue spouting dumb phrases like “it is what it is” if you find that helpful.
I didn’t say there was no attempt.
Saying you have nothing else to say or do is “thought terminating” you’re stifling discussion rather than encouraging investigation of potential solutions.
The problem with thought terminating cliches like “it is what is is”, is that it promotes lazy thinking.
You may as well say "I’ve encountered another problem which I’m not going to attempt to resolve. "
I agree that governments spend money into existence, but I disagree that taxes are merely to curb inflation.
Residents need to contribute some of their productivity to support the services they receive. That’s tax.
Click the column header to select the column, then click and drag the selected cells to wherever you want.
Note that dragging cells in this way is the same as copy & paste, so it will not insert the column at your destination and move the existing columns along, it will leave a gap where you dragged it from and overwrite the column wherever you leave it.
I bought a folding lock.
Nothing is impregnable but this is pretty tough.
Really? Some appliances are a great fit for battery but others less so.
An electric mower just doesn’t feel right to me.
My explanation is better:
There’s three doors, of which one is the winner.
First, pick a door to exclude. You have a 66% chance of correctly excluding a non-winning door.
Next, Monty excludes a non- winning door with certainty.
Finally, open the remaining door and take the prize!
This is a common argument in our house.
I think so.
That’s unclear but my take is that this is an expression of the distress felt by the employees, and perhaps the only possible outlet for their feelings. I suspect that it’s more likely the action of one or two people rather that some kind of collectively approved signal.
I just don’t know. I’m not even American but I feel very discombobulated.
You spent a year criticising your own side and supporting a “both sides” narrative. You can’t now pretend that you were trying to help the dems get elected.
There are literally commenters all over this thread (about Trumps intention to invade gaza), who believe Trump will produce a better outcome for Palestinians.
Hmm, I’m not naive enough to believe that Lemmy is free from disinformation and bad actors, but I would be surprised if it was targeted by sophisticated state actors.
Hah! Me too, exactly this.
The system is fucked but we exist within that system.
That’s fine. There will always be some niche / industrial software that someone needs Windows for.