Same energy so I get the mix up, honestly.
Software developer by day, insomniac by night.
Same energy so I get the mix up, honestly.
Not exactly in my language, but Lipton used to have an advert for their ice tea “Limone” in Japan. A lady sing a jingle, and in the middle of it she’d exclaim 「おいちい」, meaning “delicious.” However, 「ちい」could also be interpreted as the English word tea. Thus an appropriate translation of the pun would be “tealicious.”
Ah yes, I’d missed that. Thank you. Her not wanting to lock up the chickens 24/7 for an indeterminate amount of time makes a lot of sense to me. She was very fond of her chickens.
Ägg and egg is pronounced almost identically.
We have quite a lot of rules and regulations in place for how chickens are allowed to be kept. If you’re curious, Jordbruksverket has a guide on their website., assuming you’re not Swedish here is a machine-translated version.
According to regulations on disease control, poultry kept for food production must be enclosed when they are outside. This also applies if you sell meat or eggs on a smaller scale.
You may only have your birds outside without enclosure if you do not sell meat or eggs from them.
I think this rule was put in place back when there was a bird flu outbreak a few years ago. My old principal used to keep chickens, but she stopped doing that after the outbreak because she felt like the rules around how chickens were allowed to be kept after that was too inhumane. Granted I think she said that you’re not allowed to let them roam free at all so maybe she misunderstood, or maybe the law has been changed since.
Oh my gods, the mess that is Teams. When I first started working at my current company I was kind of excited because all of the software just works together. It felt novel, and I was enchanted by it. That quickly died when I realised that it makes finding anything a nightmare. There’s a billion different tabs and solutions for every single individual thing, and even multiple things within the same project. I think the main project I work on has like fifteen different test documents, and good luck trying to find the documentation for pushing stuff live! The only real way to find things is to ask someone who knows. There’s half a billion different search bars and finding the right one is just way too time consuming.
Yeah, forums please. I hate the idea of troubleshooting information being locked behind some stupid software we can’t easily index and search. Forums can be put on archive.org, you can literally print a page, or save it as a PDF for reviewing later. You can make use of bookmark software like Linkwarden to archive things.
Discord? Not so much. You can use third party software to scrape it and save information, but no search engine can index it. Community building is great, but I loathe having to trawl through tonnes of blithering blathering conversation BS just to figure out where to find firmware for a particular chip I have is.
Makes me want to projectile vomit all over the place, throw my computer out the window, and move to convent.
Depending on what you aim to do, Matrix works well enough. Reminds me a lot of Discord back in 2017 or so.
I’m sure there are more than that. Älvdalska comes to mind. Isn’t Sami a group of languages rather than a singular distinct language?
Yeah! I wonder if it’s because of the prevalence of English media here in Sweden. We unlike the Germans don’t really do much dubbing unless the target audience is children/families.
I don’t know about German, but in Swedish it looks really messy if you sunder your compound words. In general I think people know what you mean regardless, but you can end up with peculiar double meanings. There are plenty of signs, notes, and what have you that people have posted online for a laugh.
Off the top of my head
It’s also worth noting that the tones can be different, so if you “hear” the words as you read them, then “lättpackad” and “lätt packad” sounds different.
That’s the thing though, physiotherapy is proven to work, through decades of practice and research. We know how and why various exercises etc. have the effects they do based on what damage you’ve suffered.
Chiropracty was founded with the belief that misalignment of your vertebra is the sole cause of various illnesses and disease, ergo if you pop your spine correctly you’ll cure your cancer, or your asthma, or what have you. That’s obviously not true. There’s no real evidence that ciropractic manipulation actually fixes anything, but people do experience relief for a time. Then that passes and they need to return for follow up sessions.
There are also dangers involved with the practise, with people suffering serious injuries, and some even dying because of it.
I wouldn’t want someone without a proper education to mess around with my spine. It’s too important.
Yeah, I almost burned out a couple years back and the causes were way more complicated than just getting the right work assigned.
I’d cut ties with my abusive mother. I was saddled with debt from living with her. My economy wasn’t quite working out. I was falling behind on work. Caught Covid, which screwed with my heart so my health deteriorated really rapidly. I wasn’t given the opportunity to work from home and the sum of it all just wore me down.
The tasks weren’t the problem, honestly.
Well, no. It wouldn’t be the first kanji of English. Kanji is the Japanese pronunciation of 漢字 (hanzi), where 漢 means han/China and 字 means character/letter. Ergo, it makes no sense to call it “the English language’s first and only Chinese character.”
If you need to use a Japanese word to describe this, then 絵文字 (e mo ji; picture, character/symbol) fits better, but we already have several words for that, like pictogram or pictograph. One could argue that smileys fall into this category as well. So perhaps it’s a smiley.
So as a cock and balls man, where do I go?