Hyperbole to emphasize the importance of following orders in battle, even if you think it’s a mistake.
Ours is not to reason why; Ours is but to do and die
Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!
Hyperbole to emphasize the importance of following orders in battle, even if you think it’s a mistake.
Ours is not to reason why; Ours is but to do and die
White noise. I bought a white noise machine years ago when I lived near a large emergency room that had ambulances going by all day every day. It really helped with the sirens, and when I moved away I kept using the machine. My brain now interprets the white noise as profound silence, and I sleep so deeply that I don’t know how I ever got by without it.
Spock explained that they could mimic the sounds, but not the language. They would be responding in gibberish.
Maybe its programming was damaged or tampered with. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Another nit about Riker’s argument: at one point he detaches Data’s arm to demonstrate that he’s a machine. Four years later Riker’s arm was amputated and reattached by the subspace aliens in Schisms.
The Dominion Did Nothing WrongTM
TestDisk and PhotoRec. TestDisk can recover broken drive partitions, PhotoRec can recover deleted files even if the partition table is borked.
There are Federation time beacons. The E-D resynchronized the ship’s chronometer using one after they got stuck in a time loop in Cause and Effect. They, however, did not use it when they lost a day in Clues.
PSA: gog.com sells versions of Armada and Hidden Evil that work on modern systems.
The Voyage Home is the first movie I remember seeing. I was around 3 years old and my parents took me to see it at a drive in theater. It remains my favorite Trek movie.
Whenever you notice something like that, Q did it.
Shut up and keep looking apologized to.
But also note that 99% of the victims of the guillotine during the French revolution were innocent commoners, most of the nobility escaped abroad long before the reign of terror started, and the final victim of the terror was the guy who had been in charge of it.
I just use Everything desktop search and let the files fall where they may.
Just lemmy in a browser for me. Never used facebag or twatter or others besides reddit.
More like, “I want a sandwich but i can’t afford one. I guess I’ll go become a porn actor or a prostitute to earn money"
Weird premise aside, Kirk’s speech at the end about how it “must apply to everyone or it means nothing” is actually pretty stirring, IMHO.
In reality, getting them to accept services and help is the #1 obstacle to getting them services and help.
Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast (especially series 3 covering the French Revolution) and his The History of Rome series.