Why did they name the left and right atrium backwards? That seems unnecessarily confusing.
Why did they name the left and right atrium backwards? That seems unnecessarily confusing.
Isn’t there a ctr+shift+v equivalent?
Traveled into the future until I could find the answer online and then went back in time to work on my project.
Idk, I have shit (emails and texts) that could be considered blackmail on my ex wife of 15 years (not legal but would trash her relationship with her family which for all our faults she values and depends on as much as anything in life) and I would never open that can of worms. I also have video sent to me that would cost my current girlfriend (she shared them) massive headaches and likely thousands in lawyer fees and support. I can’t imagine a scenario where I would leverage it for anything. I value that my ex and current GF know they can trust me, entirely, without consequence. Relationships are hard and things don’t always become or remain what one would like but I can’t imagine purposefully hurting someone like that. My ex wife and I can’t stand each other but theirs comfort in knowing we can trust each other. I wouldn’t go to her funeral but I’d help her bury a body and I know she feels the same.
I got a standup freezer and it saves me so much money in wasted food and store trips. I buy like six loafs of bread at a time, split them up and freeze them. I just put a loaf in my kitchen cabinet before bed if I use the last slice of bread that day. Maybe my taste buds aren’t refined but I can’t tell the difference. I buy a lot of sliced turkey when it’s on sale also and just put them in the freezer. If I use it up I put another bag in the fridge and it’s ready the next day and tastes completely normal. I ended up getting a really nice chamber vacuum sealer from money I saved in groceries a couple months after the freeze paid for itself. Ended up getting a Sam’s membership and do the same with steak, hamburger, and all kinds of stuff really. It’s just me and my two boys full time but I cut my grocery bill from $1k+ a month to $600-$700 a month, making breakfast and dinner every day (they eat lunch at school). I know not everyone has the space and deep freezers are more efficient. I use the standup freezer daily and I always dreaded digging in the deep freeze I had before. It’s been a huge life improvement for us.
With free spinning hubs though!
I just watched it and it’s showing me 13 views
Never heard of it but I’m going in, thanks to you both for the authentic recommendation.
I discovered a song searching your quote! Is that a common expression? I like it.
I just realized I’m stupid, thank you