“You know what? fuck that, you come to me. Bring a Knife too.”
Lemmy.ml ist BSW als Instanz. Faschisten die die Farbe Rot mögen.
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The Skateboard was invented by “Gustav zu Skate” in 1965 in West-Berlin and was called “Lustigkeitsrollbrett” then shortened to Skatebrett and in English Skateboard 🥸
A show about the Borg invasion of Naboo, damn now I’m hooked.
StarTrek all the way, actual REAL peaceful space communists or religious Knights with magic powers? That’s not a hard choice
Despite the promises of the strange Advertisement, it just made the mice stronger. They were now even harder to catch and could now fit even better through holes. Humanity was fooled once again.
Ah yeah? But what if I call you a big Chicken-Butt?
Whoop Whoop
If I may hijack this discussion, I find that quite interesting what you are saying! I’m currently see myself getting more radicalised by the weak reaction of our (German) Government towards the rising fascists.
Pretty much every victory oppressed groups have won has had to draw blood in order to win the day.
Where and how do you Differentiate between legit violent Protest and Terrorism? Is ist just the agreement with the one side but not the other?
Because, If I may go there, even Hitler claimed that Germans were being oppressed in Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Nah, Sorry dude the other guy is right. You should not own any animal without proper training and knowledge. These are living creatures not Tamagotchis.
Everyone who says he’s not the best President ever will be shot.
I mean, what do you think? He announced that. Apparently this is what the US-Citizens want.
Das kannst du gar nicht beweisen, du kleiner Hosenscheißer!
Is it not about being as fair as you can? This is my approach at least .__.