This was going to be my answer. Glad I checked before posting.
This was going to be my answer. Glad I checked before posting.
I don’t remember where I saw or heard it, but when I was younger I came across an interview with some of the other cast of TNG talking about how Patrick Stewart originally came in this very disciplined classic Shakespearean actor and how he really started loosening up after a couple of years.
Jfc this gave me a very much needed full belly laugh.
Ménage à Troi
What’s the second dish pictured? The one that looks like Bell peppers are being simmered in a pot.
My sister actually gave my daughter this book when she was young. I thought it was good stuff.
I love Takis. One of my guilty pleasure trash snacks is a bag of Takis and a couple hazys.
Victor Earhart. Unfortunately it looks like he was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2016.
Cool video I found of him while looking around.