They’re saying Boo-urns!
They’re saying Boo-urns!
Ceaușescu’s Romania
There’s a whole fucking generation between Boomers and Millennials. Yes, Gen X does get overlooked often, that’s the running joke. But they’re far more likely to have soaked up Boomerisms and benefited from better economic ROI than Millennials who hit college just at the cusp of the 2000s, and for whom everything thereafter has been a shit toboggan.
Jesus Christmas. He looks like a Harkonnen from Dune.
“So I said humans aren’t bilaterally symmetrical and some people really took offense to that.”
That wound will never fully heal
In North Macedonia too. They serve it with cucumber salad and soft white cheese, and it’s amazing.
He kick flipped real hard
I mean, also because he’s apparently not aware of the largest mountain range in North America.
Orogeny gonna get ya
A major Geordi character arc revolves around his eyesight. Yes, his prosthesis affords him additional abilities and allows him full function, but that says nothing of the otherness he has felt and psychological impact of being different throughout his whole childhood, and the challenges he faced for acceptance, even within StarFleet.
To dismiss his personal struggles while assuming that he’s fulfilled and would OPT to not have regular eyes is incredibly arrogant and ablest, no? It is also deeply lacking in awareness and consideration of psychology, which is pretty bang-on for Boomers of the era that STTNG came out. “Oh, well looking at the END RESULT, he turned out fine, despite his massive trauma.”
The likelihood is that he did not turn out fine, we just don’t see the granular details of his psyche, on screen.
Early USPS delivery models gave users far more options
I like this old school Cap uni with scales. The Mercury/Hermes wings I could do without.
“But it has rained, hasn’t it?” Smug look
An example of why arguing with idiots is impossible to win.
Most management systems focus on short term horizons because arbitrary calendar sections allow them to pretend the past work is no longer a factor in the current work.
Not just members, advocates of the line. Their compensation is a function of the surplus value workers create.
Wouldn’t be American Christianity without the cornerstone of white supremacy
Drunk? Pass the laudanum
You’re making some huge assumptions about the quality of sex and health education that those kids have had access to. It’s easy to point a finger and say, well you should be more responsible, but the reality is that adolescents are still learning and developing. So even with great education, they make bad decisions. They won’t have adult brains until their early to mid 20s. And there’s no reason why those decisions should ruin lives, when modern medicine can resolve the dilemma in minutes.
In other words, you’re making an argument for much better and more widely available sex and health education. Which religious types are likely to oppose. Can’t have it both ways- either the kids are fully informed and made an error, or their guardians failed them and set them on a track with a veil of ignorance.