there’s more than shown here and it’s more than just these users too 😭
if you find the thread don’t piss in the popcorn (brigade) but also please maybe don’t bring it back here i don’t want 400 notifications of entry level “is almond milk milk” vegan discourse
I’m gonna need you to crop your memes my guy. This is a violation.
the joke is the bad crop/wall of text
It looks like there are a few ISPs, countries, and general blacklists that block them. Explains why my firewall and DNS filters are catching it. Oh well. I can look more into fixing it later if it really becomes an issue.
It also seems to just generally be slow sometimes. This time it loaded instantly but often it takes a couple of tries and a good amount of patience lol
Found the carnist
no u
“I’ve been sober all day.” is my new comeback when someone insults my intelligence in an argument.
I like how the wording may imply that being sober that particular day might be in contrast to other days.
I’ve so been all day
Milk is the best part of the woman
That explains why mine was so unapetizing.
Imagine answering a question with another question.
I’d ask if everyone here is just looking to be annoyed at the slightest thing but it shows, like, all around
I know right? /s
Was gonna make a blizzard joke here, but this person is so intellectual that they wouldn’t get the low-grade humor, or how milk production before markets only works if everyone works a single farm, and cannot work if the population is scaled up.
I would just like to bring up that most equestrians don’t farm their horses milk. Without demand it would probably be similar
You: hates milke because it is unethical
Me: hates milk because it is fucking disgusting.
We are not the same
Had this start happening and got a new fridge, didn’t happen anymore. Do your veggies also spoil quickly? If so, your fridge likely be bork.
i’m exaggerating quite a bit but hope this comment is helpful for others who might be struggling with time traveling milk!
It was wild, would buy milk and a couple days later it was chunky. Fridge always felt cool. When the veggies started spoiling on a similar time scale we decided it was best to replace, thankfully had a solid landlord.
The next time I had a bad fridge it would freeze things randomly. Milk and lettuce would freeze, but stuff next to it was fine. Figured it was haunted, bought a new one as at this point I was my own landlord.
Moral of the story, refrigerant leaks are no joke and can do weird shit.
omg that sounds awful i feel so blessed to have never had these refrigerator woes 🙀
How do you actually see the image? I just get “glide failed to grab image”. I tried to open the link directly and get connection error too. Not the first time I have experienced this on posts, but trying to figure out if the image was taken down or if the image is actually blocked.
its hosted on my instance was having a bad day for image uploads
sad to say everything is working for me so its something on your end
Both of those people are morons. One for making the argument, the other for engaging in the argument.
Me, yesterday
also me
Just went back to that thread. The discussion continued for 4 more hours after I stopped responding, and no, it did not go anywhere. That was definitely worth everyone’s time
It’s about the journey and the friends you meet along the way.
some rhetorical hills were not meant to be treaded, much less died upon
Mr. President there has been another cat food incident
a second low-tier vegan talking point has hit the servers
I want my milk like how Jack the Ripper wants to eat his meat: raw.
The listeria gives it that special kick!
Don’t forget the H5N1 flavors!
Almond milk is a waste of water and is priced out of poor families ability to buy them :(
I know. Almond milk is a huge waste of water. But unfortunately, it’s harder to find others like oat and soy in their unsweetened variants.
this is based on poore-nemececk 2018, a meta"study" that ignores guidance on LCA studies being unable to be combined, and doesn’t even have the integrity to disclose this in the paper. it’s bad science.
“Bad science” is for “I don’t want this to be true”.
it could be true, but the study used to support it is flawed.
“flawed study” is for “I didn’t like the conclusions some researcher who spent a long time looking into all the scientific studies drew, so I’m going to cast vague doubts about it instead”
That just depends on where you are. It is as prevalent in major cities in my state as oat, soy, and alternatives.