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Well, not those belonging to the one in the cover picture. Those would be some gloomy, depressing tits. Like two deflated balloons hanging from a slab of jerky.
I’m sold.
I’m solid
I’ve heard they are very cold
The last time my boyfriend heard “colder than a witch’s tit” he reached over and touched my boob ans said, “Well they feel pretty warm to me so you need a better system of measurement.”
I’m probably gonna marry him.
The Hard
yBoysWho doesn’t??
*Politely raises hand*
And Thus Goth Began.
Your clues giving me a clue!
“Hocus pocus my titty is now in focus”
Idk just thought that’d be something they’d say,
I’ll show myself out
Hocus pocus my titty is now in focus - abrakazam these hard boys a witch will slam - open sesame lonely witches need company