In my town there’s a shop that sells rocks and crystals etc. They also sell sand dollars for $1. That’s right, there’s a 1:1 conversion rate between sand dollars and USD.
They probably never change that price either, so it’s actually pinned to the dollar.
AWAIL (A while ago I learned) that butterflies are named that because they like to drink the fatty cream that form atop of fresh milk that’s used to make butter.
This also goes for german. The Schmetter in Schmetterling has ethymological connections to Schmalz
Stop trying to make AWAIL happen. It’s not going to happen.
Animals that live up to their acronym:
- Goat
Change my mind
Peacocks have cocks. Peahens do not.
Spider (doesn’t actually spy)
Peacocks have cocks. Peahens do not.
Peacocks don’t have a pecker in their privates. Instead of a johnson, they have a cloaca. No willie.
Bat (useless as a blunt weapon)