• JayleneSlide@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’m mostly okay with these kinds of salary shenanigans, because those employers generally fuck themselves somewhere in the short to long terms. What grinds my gears is how employers think they get access to all of someone’s skills and their full work velocity despite deliberately underpaying. Almost invariably, this conversation comes up with one of my employers or contracts after they decided to cheap out.

    “Oh, I recall that you have experience in [specific software engineering discipline].”

    “That’s correct. I did that for [a bunch of] years.”

    “So, we have this pro—”


    “No?! But you know this stuff. Also ‘other duties as assigned.’”

    “And you’re not paying enough to get access to those skills.”

    “That’s insubordination!”

    “So fire me and see what you’ll have to pay to replace me AND get someone who will do [engineering thing].”