This should be illegal.
What’s the video he’s watching? Asking for a friend.
You know, I spent a lot of time today obsessing over how bad the world is getting, and wondering what the point of it all is.
This. It’s this. I stick around for the weird motherfuckers who’ll do shit like this, and share it on the internet.
If I must live through yet another apocaplyse, I want to do it with you.
Awful Taste But Great Execution !
Underrated AF.
Thanks, I hate it.
So when did you escape from the Whoville Huskau?
I immediately thought " look at this Dr Seuss, leg shavin mother fucker, what is this guy’s deal!?"
Glad someone else saw it too
Easy, tiger
I would hate to presume things but I can just tell this person just installed the Justin Bieber Linux distro on their computer (and obviously not the Hannah Montana Linux).
I bet dude started to periodically shave his legs after this. The smoothness made him realize that women don’t really shave their legs for men.
What a terrible day to have eyes.
That cherry Mx keyboard is pretty cash yo
I’m not even sure this guy is using Arch…
Lmfao you absolute menace. I love it.