Cherry for me, my grandma would always have it and it was always delicious.
(I ask this as I am eating cherry ice cream)
Spumoni. They even make that anymore. Probably only in the Mediterranean area.
Boysenberry. It’s weirdly become very rare at least where I live. It used to be quite common
Kay’s Butter Pecan. I don’t think you can get it anymore.
Hokey Pokey ice cream. It’s a vanilla ice cream with honey comb pieces inside of it. I’m positive that most kiwi kids would answer the same way. A close second is boysenberry ice cream.
Same! Passionfruit also. Mmmm.
I don’t even remember who made them, but the little single serve cups of chocolate ice cream with the wooden spoon
Nobody said Cookie Dough…
Okay so, When I was a kid my mom warned me against cookie dough being dangerous.
Perhaps others had a similar experience?
Perhaps it was a generational trauma we missed?
Back in my home country we had this “cream” flavor that was like a mild yellow colored vanilla buttercream. I’ve never been able to find the exact equivalent in the US. Closest are panna cotta or butter (ie: butter pecan)
After eight.
As a kid in Italy. A grown up taste but I loved it.
Reminds me of that holiday.Chocolate chip, without mint, in baskin robbins.
Orange sherbet in a cone. My grandfather used to get it for me after taking me to the park to play when I was around 4-6 or so. He passed away almost a decade ago and every time I have some, I think of him. He was the best.
Orange sherbet was also a thing my step dad gave me, he’d always be excited to bring it home.
Not technically ice cream, but rainbow sherbet. I try to have some from time to time.
that’s also great for meat, minus the ice cream part
What is it made of?
I would imagine boysenberries. 😅
Ooo, That’s super cool!
It’s like, all the berries combined.
Raspberry ripple!
Whats the ripple?
Vanilla ice cream and raspberry syrup mixed in in a ripple effect.
Ooo, does the ripple seep into the vanilla creating a yummy gradient?
Pumpkin or peach ice cream has the strongest childhood association for me—a place by the highway sold it fresh & seasonally. These aren’t common flavors either.
What was your first memory of eating it?