Local art
Photographs. My photographs, to be specific. Maybe, on occasion, if it really resonates me, something of local cultural significance. (These can vary wildly from simple charms to complicated works of folk art.)
I have hangups about a cluttered house and neglected belongings. Kind of getting over it, but in the meantime I go for photos, as well as flat things such as postcards or prints from local artists that can fit on a scrapbook page :)
Postcard with stamps to send it back to our home
I travel full time, so buying ‘stuff’ is just not something that’s at all possible. Usually though, I’ll buy a sticker and put it on my laptop or my water bottle. It’s lightweight and carries a memory without taking up any space.
Coffee mugs, although I’m now regretting not collecting shot glasses like my wife.
I like keychains.
Christmas ornament
Same! That and rocks.
I get one every place I visit. Get to look at them once a year and then put them away. Perfect system
T-shirts! Granted I don’t travel a ton, ton so they’re not too numerous, but it’s real nice to have them I think.
bottlecaps from local breweries
Rocks or shells
I did post cards and put them all on one wall but then moved and didn’t wanna put en all up again
Fridge magnet
I like shot glasses because they are small, but for my wife it’s coffee cups. We have about 50. I think my kids break them on purpose to make room in the cabinets. Can’t blame them.
Smashed pennies